Cao Pi and Cao Zi

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I crumpled down to the floor. Why is this happening to me? Of all people!

Then, the door to the garden opened up. A little boy, with indigo hair and blue eyes walked in crying. He didn't seem to notice me on the floor.

"Um hi." I said. The kid jumped back and wiped his eyes immediately. "I'm am not crying. And just who might you be?" He said roughly.

"I never said that you were crying. Call it, sweaty eyes." I said.

"Sweaty eyes?"He sat by me confused.

"Yea. Sweaty eyes. You aren't crying you just happened to have sweaty eyes." I smiled at him.

He gave me a quizzical look. "Your weird. But in a good way." He said.
Nice kid.

"So what is your name, and what are you doing here?"

"I have been named princess foresight. But I'm okay with just being called Ise." I said.

"Princess foresight. Wow. I'm Cao Pihan. " he said highly.

Cao pihan. What! The youngest son!
"Your the youngest son?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes but I have to be treated as a man. In the next battle, I will watch."
He said grimly.

"How old are you again?"
"I'm 11."

Aye. This kid needs some love.
"Do you have to?" I asked.

"You have met my father. He doesn't care." He looked down.

"Ahh. I see." I said. Serious love.
I slowly patted his head. He flinched from me and looked at me with a surprised look.

"What are you doing?"

"Patting your head... Did you not like it?"

"It is not that. I'm just not used to it."

"Oh. Sorry." Extreme love.

After a bit of silence and him just staring at the floor, he said "are you going to continue the patting?"

"Do you want me to?" I asked him.

"It is not that." His cheeks turned pink. "It is okay if you want to." He said turning his head away.
Well that's cute.
I continued to pat his head.

"I'll call you Pi."


Then the garden door opened ad we both froze.

"I'm just going to-" he noticed us and automatically drew his sword. His hair was raven black. His eyes deep purple. His armor was also purple. I was scared of the sword.

"Pihan! Step back! Its an intruder!" The guy barked.

Hey.... He looks kinda young.... And a little like -
Pi stood up in front of me.

"What are you doing Pihan!" The guy asked surprised.

"Father has named her Princess foresight." Pihan said.

"Huh?!" He pushed Pihan aside and aimed at my throat. "Then how does the yellow turban rebellion end?" The man asks.

Being threatened with a sword, it just plopped out.

"The leader dies and within a year, the yellow turban falls apart and surrenders." I spoke quickly and closed my eyes shut.

"Its okay Ise." Pihan said. I opened my eyes and the mans back was to me.

"That is my brother, Cao Zihan." Pihan said.

My voice turned into a squeak. "What?!" I said. This is just way too much.
Pihan sat down beside me again.

"Can we please continue with what you were doing before?" He asked.
Hearing those words, Cao Zihan turned and looked at us.
Did Pihan mean the patting?
He was looking down, embarrassed.
I out my hand on his head and began to pat.

"Do you mean this?", I asked him.
His cheeks turned pink.

"It is only so that I get used to it. No other reason." He said.
It was so obvious that it was cute.

"If you want me to pat your head, just say it. You don't have to deny it."

"It is not that! It is only so that I get used to it I say!"

"Your anger is so cute." I smiled.
His cheeks were on fire.

"I am not cute! I should be treated with more respect than that!" He said angry. But his anger is so cute. I stopped patting his head.

"Huh? Why did you stop?" He asked me.

"So you want me to keep going... See?" I said. Just admit it!

"That is not it! I was just curious as to why-" I put my hand back on his head and began to pat again. He stopped mid sentence.

"Fine. You don't have to admit it, but how'd you two get in here?" I asked.

"Secret passage." Zihan said.

"Umm. Zihan?"

"What do you want?"

"Can I just call you Zi?"

"What type of mockery I'd that?" He growled at me.

"Well.... I'm sorry but I think of you as ordinary.." I said.

For a flicker of a moment, he seemed shocked. But it was just a flicker and he turned his back to me.
"Whatever" he said.

This time, the normal door slammed open.
"Princess Foresight-" Cao Cao began but stopped when he saw the three of us. Pihan's eyes went wide with fear. Zihan's eyes went dead.

Cao Cao looked around the room.
"Well we have two sneaky people, here. What shall I do with you too?" He said casually. Just hearing his voice sent a spear through me.

"It was me. They wanted to leave but I wanted someone to talk to. Blame me." I stepped forward. Pihan gasped as I said those words. Zihan cleared his throat. I got this. I can handle it.

"Is that so?" His gaze nailed me to the floor. Even after what I said, he still turned to his sons.

"Did you enjoy talking to Ise, Zihan?" He asked turning on the eldest son.

"It was interesting." Zihan said. Cao Cao nodded.

"How about you, Pihan?" Pihan looked up and began to quiver. Poor boy. I began to pat his head. Once I began, he became calm and said

"it was really enjoyable." He said.

"Well then. Why don't you-" Cao Cao said to us with a grin.

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