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The next day, I was walking down the town streets, one hand in Zihan's and the other in Pihan's so that we don't get separated.

"Hey guys..... How did we end up here?" I asked them.

They both shrugged. "No idea." Zi said.

"Why don't you three enjoy the day in town then? Here Zihan. Some spending money." Cao Cao said and laughed out loud.

It was really unexpected. But, he did give them spending money. Maybe he's not so bad after all?

"Since we are here, maybe we should get something to eat?" Pihan suggested.

"Yes. Good idea Pihan." Zihan said. I noticed how Zihan kept looking over at the alleyways. What's wrong?

"We are being watched. Guards at every corner." He whispered to us as we took a bite of dango. My eyes widened with shock.

"Thought that we would try to escape." He whispered.

Pihan looked pained. "This was all a test then. Thank goodness." He was still holding my hand even as we sat.

"Pihan, why are you pink? Do you have a fever?" Zihan asked coldly.

"No, I'm perfectly fine." He said after giving me a glance. Then, a house erupted in flames.

"Hey! That looks dangerous! Let's get out of here!" One of the villagers said and soon there was a whole crowd running. I lost both of Zihan's and Pihan's hands. I reached out to grab it, and my hand was grabbed.

"Zihan?" I called. But that hand covered mine, and it was too big to be Zihan's.

"Who is that?!?! Let me go!" I said trying to pull my hand away from the others, but with a harsh yank! I was in the alley and had slammed against someone. Before I could even catch my breath, I was knocked into the wall, and had the rest of my breath knocked out of me.

I looked up and there was the guy who gagged me last time. The moment I saw him I glared at him.

"That wasn't nice!" I shouted at him. He was taken aback by my first words.

"That fire distracted the guards as planned." He looked at the burning home.

"Zihan was right. There were guards.."

"Zihan?" He asked surprised.

"Yes. He told me that they were watching us so that way we don't escape.."

The man gave me a quizzical look.
"That aside..... You set the place on fire?!"

"Its not that I care..." He said with a sigh.

"I'm done. I have to go search for Zihan and Pihan. Now leave me alone. I don't ever want to see your face again." I snarled at him.

"That's too bad. You never saw me here. And we have never met."

"And that's how I want to keep it!" I shouted at him and ran back into the crowd, leaving him behind forever.

At least I hoped.

"Hey! Where's Cao Zi and Cao Pi?" I tapped on a guards shoulder. Luckily, in all this rush, I found a guard who just happened to be looking for princess foresight.

"I have found princess foresight!" He said. Then, guards brought me back to the castle.

"Hmm. It seems a fire started." Cao Cao said.

"Ise!" Pihan said and grabbed my Kimono.

"Jeez.." Zihan muttered.

"Don't cling to a girl, Pihan, it makes you look weak." Cao Cao said. Pihan still clung to me.

"Pihan!" Cao Cao roared. Pihan startled and let go of me immediately.

"Hmph. I have assigned you a body gaurd. His name is Kyo Fuwa." He said and then, the person I absolutely didn't want to see, walked out of the shadows and gave me a bright smile.

"Hello, I will be your guard. If you have any questions, just come to me." He said. I put on my brightest smile.

"Okay then." I said. I was quiet, an enraged expression on my face as we walked back to my room. The moment, I walked in, I turned around and slammed the door in his face. You were threatening me earlier! Don't you dare come anywhere near me! I huffed. And sighed. A smile spread across my face.

I began to giggle. That felt good. I'm not even going to talk to him and watch him go insane. I know that it is bad to have fun while trapped in another world, but this was just too funny.

"Okay, now that was funny!" I giggled. I have a goal now. That goal is to get to my world. I stopped giggling.
"And nothing can get in my way. Nothing will get in my way. I cannot stay for long. This is not my country, I can't stay here for long, or I will die." I said out loud. The atmosphere suddenly became morbid. Then, I remembered slamming the door, and I began to laugh.
Then, the garden door opened.

"I want to laugh too. The expression on your face was rage, so I assumed the worse. But you were actually being rude." Kyo snorted.

"How'd you even?!" Exclaimed, trying to push him out of my room, but once again, like a rock, he wouldn't budge.

"You will not get in my way." He growled at me as I continued to push.

"What are you talking about? I want to know why did you gag me, and why did you slam me against the wall! I don't even know you!" I cried.

"My plans to kill Cao Cao." He said coldly.

I froze. Kill Cao Cao? "What? Killing is wrong!" I said. Then, I was tossed to the bed, and he was on top of me, his sword to my neck. His face inches from mine, he growled.

"You will swear to tell no one if you want your head to stay attached to your shoulders."

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