Chapter 5

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I awoke to the sound of a thumping outside, and I started to feel a bit nervous. I knew it was a car, from all that I heard from Mother, and I've seen a few before, but now was different. Now, the car sounded really close.

I looked around, seeing bright colors again, and I blinked, wondering if this was a dream. Where am i? I thought.

Suddenly, I remembered that I was in Grace's den, and her humans must be back. I crept slowly out, not wanting to wake up Mother or Frost.

I paused, knowing I shouldn't go anywhere else, but I crept out, hearing more thumping noises, and I looked around, spotting Grace on a really big, bright nest.

Mother stirred behind me, causing me to flinch and hurry back.

I crept back to my nest, just as Mother awoke. She eyed me, a bit suspicious of me so early, but she just shook her head and fell back to sleep, as did I.

I woke up again, stretching, seeing that Mother was already awake and eating some of the leftover food from yesterday.

I crawled out, waking Frost, and crawled out to the food dish, eyes lighting up. I felt really hungry, and Frost must have too, for she scrambled after me.

We ate until the dishes were licked clean, and Mother forced us to retreat again back to the nest.

Mother fell back asleep again, as well as Grace, but Frost and I were as energized as ever. We crawled out silently, helping each other.

I sighed. "This place is no fun," as quietly as I could.

Frost nodded, then gazed around, her eyes suddenly lighting up.

She pointed to the scratching post, and attached and hanging from it was a tiny hole carved from the wood wall. She followed it, and I padded after.

At the end of the hole was a mouse, hanging from a string, but it looked sort of peculiar. Maybe this place had some sort of fun after all.

Frost whispered quietly, "Whoever gets the mouse first, is the winner and gets to eat most of the other's food tonight." I grinned and nodded.

We both positioned ourselves in front of the scratching post, and waited.

"Ready... Go!" I whispered, lunging up quickly and quietly. Frost followed, climbing the scratching post to a platform, and I pushed to it first.

Frost leaped shortly after, trying to gain the lead. We rushed across to the hole, and I was about to shove through when Frost lunged over me and tried to enter first.

That's how we both got a bit clogged in the hole. Lucky we were still kits, or else we would be in serious trouble.

I pushed and kicked, trying to get out. As I did, my paw went sideways and hit something, but I wasn't aware of that. All I was aware of was the mouse.

I launched out from the kick, clawing the air, and a few seconds later, the mouse. I grabbed it with a lot of force.

Immediately when I went out, Frost lunged out too, grabbing the string of the mouse.

Suddenly, the thing I kicked collided to a shelf, making a super loud CLANG noise, and sparks flashed from it.
It was apparently a pole with some sort of bulb on the top that illuminated at night.

My eyes widened, and I glanced at Frost, fear in both of our eyes.

Mother snapped her eyes open, as well as Grace.

Then, even worse, the string snapped as Frost didn't mean to unsheathed her claws, but the noise caused her to be scared, instinctively unsheathing her claws.

I let out a yelp as I fell down with Frost, but the ground had soft fur, carpet I think it was, so we didn't land heavily.

Suddenly, a group of voices exploded, and the door opened quickly, exposing surprised humans gazing at us and Mother.

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