Chapter 12

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I woke with my hair standing up on the top of my neck. The door of the shed was creaking open slowly, and I nudged Frost awake.

A growl escaped my throat, and Frost growled too. Suddenly, an unexpected pale face appeared. It was a human!

I backed up as the human crawled forward. This human was much smaller than normal adult ones. She was still a child. Another eager face appeared behind her: a younger boy, who let out a tiny squeal.

I growled at the small boy, not knowing if they were going to harm us. My stomach growled along afterwards, like an echo. Except less hostile.

The girl glanced at us, probably figuring we were hungry. She muttered something to her little brother, and he scrambled away quickly.

The girl turned back to us, and Frost hissed.

The girl sat down on the grass outside the shed, gazing at us with gentle, happy eyes. She slowly lifted out her hand towards Frost. Frost growled, then a curious gaze grew on her face. I can't say I wasn't curious too.

I leaned forward, sniffing it as close as I would dare. The girl reached her hand farther, and my head shot back. She almost touched my forehead!

Frost growled at the hand, a paw in the air, as if ready to strike. When the girl raised it towards Frost again, Frost snapped her jaws at it, though she didn't do it too close.

The little boy came back, panting, with a good scent along him, although it was a little odd. They exchanged a couple words, then the boy passed something to the girl, whining. The scent hit me again, and my stomach growled again.

The girl turned to us, her brother-I supposed he was-gazed enthusiastically over her shoulder, his bright eyes locked into ours.

The girl slowly lifted her hand up to our noses, and the tempting scent of food crept out.

I cocked my head, leaning forward. The girl opened her palm, and a small piece of beef appeared. It wasn't the freshest kind, and there was this odd scent to it, but it was still food!

Frost leaned in closer too, then stopped about a few inches away from the hand. She backed away, hesitating.

I leaned in, sniffing the food. I examined it, wondering if it were a trick. There didn't seem to be any maggots or anything inside it, so I suppose it was good.

I leaned in, slowly and slowly getting closer to the food. The girl just held her hand still.

I went close enough to lick the hand, and I snatched the beef away, cowering back.

I passed the meat to Frost, who happily accepted it and split it in half.

We ate ravenously, though we both tried to keep one eye on the human girl.

Eventually though, we were too hungry to notice the coming hand. It stretched out and stroked my ear. I can't say it felt bad, for there was this soothing feeling to it.

The girl backed her hand up, then pet Frost gently, the same way she pet me. I licked my muzzle, enjoying the food. It wasn't as good as the fresh-kill Mother always made us catch, or brought us, but it was still a bit tasty!

The girl scratched my ear, petting me. Then she did the same to Frost.

Suddenly, a voice broke out, a louder voice, and the girl shot out with her little brother. Voices exploded around, and I cowered once again. These weren't the voices of children. I caught the gaze of Frost.

I heard a stomping noise coming closer, voices shouting, arguing. I tensed, realizing the noises were coming closer and closer.

What would we do now?

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