s e v e n

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I storm into my room and throw my bag across the floor. Luckily no one was home to witness my little tantrum.

"ugghhh" I throw myself on my bed. Why cant I control my feeling.?! Letting out a scream into my pillow, wait hold on this is harry . I laugh at myself im so retarded! Im really get all worked up over harry come on allison your better then that. Why does harry do that, make himself so.. I dont know... irresistible.?  I sit up and let out a breath, I look at myself in the mirror.

I take in my short frame, im only about 5"2. I look at my wavy dark brown hair, porcelain complexion with my bright ocean blue eyes. I wasnt fat but I wasnt twig like either, I had curves especially up top and down bottom.

I wasnt beautiful, I was barley even pretty so why did harry want me.? I mean hes been his... charming self to me every year since middle school. So why now.?

Jingleing keys snap me out of my thoughts.

"Sweetie!" I could here my mom trying to jungle a lot of grocrey bags lile always.

"Coming!" I race down the step trying to go as fast as I can to help my mom. Thanks to me being oh sooo magestic, I trip on the last step.

"aaaagggggggghhhhhh" I brace myself for the fall, straightening my body fuck fuck fuck. I collide with my wooden floor, curse words string out of my mouth.

"Fucking hell, son of a-" I stop myself before I say and more, forgetting that my mom was there shes stands in shock. Hold on it gets even worse when I try to get up excruciating pain throbs in my knee. I hold my face to stop myself from crying, I bite onto my bottom lip to distract myself. 

"Sweetie do you think you can stand" my mom questions me, I nod unable to let go of my lip. Fuck fuck fuck. Mom lifts me up and we hobble to our little couch, I take deep breathes to calm myself.  Mom quickly run to the kitchen and then dashes back with to asprins in her hand, giving them to me I quickly swallow them down and continue to bit on my already swollen lip.

"Allison honey stop biting on your lip its already swollen" my mother scolded me. I did as I was told, and glenched my jaw.

About 30 minutes later the pills were starting to work because the pain was now a dull throb. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as I tried my beat to stay up. Deciding not to fight it I gave up and fell asleep.

Waking uo I could hear muffled voices, getting only bits of a conversation my mom was having with someone. Considering it was Sunday my mom didnt have to work. So she usually stayed home and cleaned. My mom usually kept to herself so she didnt have much friends.

I blink a couple times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the lighting seeping threw the windows.  openingy eyes I realize that im not in my room, im in my couch.

"Oh! Look shes up!" My mom says with excitement. My mom walks around the couch and a shadow follows her, but wait can you guess  who it is.? Thats right harry! Oh joy.

"Sweetie look who was sweet enough to stop bye." I sit up and hold my head. Head rush, fuck. Wincing in pain I take a deep breath, I really dont have time for harry right now. I glance back and forth between my mom and harry.

"Well hello again allison" harry shoots me a smile but I ignore his presence.

"Allison dont be rude! Hes a guest" my mom scolds me for my rude behavior,  I give harry a fake smile.

"Harry would you lile some coffee.?" My mom offers harry.

"That would be lovely thank you" harry replys, my mom gets up to excuse herself. No! Dont leave me alone with him please.  Once my mom exists the living room harry comes sit next to me on the couch.

"You have been very bad baby girl. Running out of my car like that, slamming doors, and calling me names, when the only name you should call me is daddy." Harry speaks smoothly, he puts his hands on my thigh.  I stay frozen under his touch, he smiles and gets really close to my face at first I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he whispers in my ear.

"Daddy wants you baby girl and he will have you" his breath fans my neck making goose bumps apear. His hands moves up my thigh, closer and closer to my spot. I cant believe how much this is turning me on, I love it.

I turn my head to look at him, his beautiful green eyes are now full of lust and desire.  I push my lips against his, a soft hiss but enough to make me want more of him. All too soon he pulls away hand and all.

"Not yet princess, be patient" he winks at me.

Omg guys im so so so so sorry ive been kinda busy trying to get ready for school then I had a little bit of writters block.

Lol anyways wow intense guys, if you want something to happen in the book messege me im open to idea that you guys have!

Questuon time:

Why do you think it so hard for allison to control her feelings.?

Do you think harry should get off that easy for what he said to her.?

What do you think harry qants from allison.?

Oh and one more thing um who do you think allison should be or should I just leave it for you minds to wonder.?

Okay thank you guys so so much for 20k I love you so much, dont forget to comment and vote!!


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