F o u r t e e n

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All feeling left my legs and I froze. I couldn't even breathe I close my eyes and try my best not to have a panic attack.

He places sloppy kisses all over my Neck sucking harshly making me wince and squirm under his grasp. I try to move my arms to untighten his grasp but it just got tighter, he presses his lower stomach against mine and takes both my hands into one of his to where he has a free arm. I can feel his hardness pressed against my thigh making me feel dirty like I have to take a shower and scrub away my sins.

"Now since I'm a gentleman I'll let you decide- bathroom or classroom.?" He wickedly grins and brakes into a slow chuckle, I take this as an opportunity to run.

I knee him where you really shouldn't knee a boy and jerk my arms from his grasp, he grunts and toppled over. I run as fast as I can heading straight for the front door-Harry should be out there waiting.

I hear tapping in the hallway and it's not just my feet I make the mistake of looking behind me, seeing him hot on my heels I push myself harder.

I run and run until I crash into a solid object hitting my head I try my best to regain my balance but it's no use I topple over and hit the ground before everything stops I see Conner running towards me and smiling


Harry's pov
20 minutes, 20 fucking minutes .! I've been in my car waiting for 20 minutes. I tap my foot and check my watch in annoyance what could be taking her so long all she has to do is put a purse inside of a locker, as I sit there impatiently ,worry starts to build in the pit of my stomach what could be talking her so long.?

I jump out of my car and walk up to the same red double doors I pictured Allison walking threw for the past 20 minutes, swinging the doors open I anxiously stalk the hallway in search of Allison. As my anticipation grows I hear a slight whimper and the tapping of feet, two pairs of feet.

I listen closely so I can try to see where the noise is coming from, deciding on going left intern on my feet and fast walk until the noise gets louder and louder. All my motion stops when I hear a loud thump my heart rate increases and my body pushes full forward and I'm running to the noise. I quickly turn a hallway almost loosing my balance but catching myself just in time and I lay my eyes on that fucking pervert on top of my Ally. My vision begins to blur as I shot forward, my feet leave the marble ground and I thrust up tackling him.

I violently throw punches as fast and hard as I can, my fists collide with his jaw and nose . Soon his face is dripping in blood from his nose and lip, I see all red at this point. He tries to fight against me but I have to much force pinned against him he eventually realizes he won't get anything on me and focuses more on blocking his face, I hear a loud voice at the end of the hallway.

"Hey.! Get away from each other .!" I look up and there's a cop running towards us.

He takes this moment of me focusing on the cop to switch our positions to where he's on top of me, pain vibrates threw my body as his fist hits my chin. I forcefully push him off of me he hits the ground with a thud, I scramble to my feet and dash over to ally turning back I see that the cop has made his way down half the hallway. I scoop ally into my arms and run for the front doors, I turn back one last time and see him standing there blood all over his clothes and handcuffs around his wrist he looks up and catches my eyes I give him a sinister smile and turn my head.

I jog to my car and place ally inside buckling her in, I sit in the drivers seat and close my eyes. Taking a couple deep breathes I rub my temples I look to al the movement in her chest-a steady rise and fall- calm me , at least she would be okay.

About 30 minutes into the drive to my house al jolts awake, frantically looking at her surrounding trying to connect the dots to where she was. Her quick movement startles me almost causing me to drive off the road into a tree, I place a hand on ally's she snaps her head towards me she gathers herself quickly and relaxes at my touch.

"Hey, it's okay your in my car were headed to my house you're okay" I softly speak rubbing her warm skin with my thumb.

I can feel her heart beat pounding against her skin begging to be set free from its barrier. She takes a couple deep breaths and once she starts to recognize her surroundings she relaxes a bit. Her hands fly to her head and he face cringes up.

I coo at her whispering sweet things to make her relax a but more. I feel her muscles tense as she remembers all that happened within the past hour or so, her eyes find mine and she gives me a weak smile.

"I'm okay" she chokes out , her voice comes out scratchy and horse. She clears her throat and gives me another small smile.

Hey guys how's your spring break going.? Because I'm so damn happy that I dont have to return to that hell for another week but anyways, here's you chapter I hope you guys like it I couldn't really leave it at a cliff hanger but that's chillen. I started the Harry potter series and oh my lawd it's so good. Bye guys i love you all dont forget to vote and comment byyeee

-mama Bear 👑

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