Chapter Nineteen: Fire Snow and Boxing Gloves

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There was snow covering everything in sight. My eyes where wide open and so was my mouth in shock. Its practically impossible to get snow down this low. I grabbed a jacket, beanie and some boots. I opened the door, a foot high snow was pilled up against the door. It tumbled inside and the breeze blew wildly. I stood out and the wind nearly blew me back, i swiped my hands to try to fight against the wind going right into my direction, the wind changed the way my hands swung. I started shaking, what was going on. I heard grunts and moans from inside. My feet where nearly completely buried in the snow. I walked up to the beach. The snow Just stopped where the water of the waves stopped. Right at the boundary of Willamburra.

I looked around, there was no grass or flowers, just pure white snow. Then i heard gasps. I turned around to the house and saw Demetre and Charlotte looking out. They looked up to me looking for answers, "Don't ask me, i don't have a clue" i said holding my hands up as if to say i surrender. A huge gust of cold wind blew in their direction catching snow with it. I looked back up to the blood read moon. Anger spread over me, just the thought of what Alrawolfa is doing now angers me to the core. I started to get hot with rage. "Oh my god" i heard Demetre say snapping me out of it. I turned to him, he and Charlotte covered their mouths looking down to the ground where my feet are. I looked down, there was a perfect circle of melted snow at my feet, as if i had just taken a chunk out of it.

Things where just getting to strange so we headed back inside. I could start to see everyone get goosebumps from the cold. Eventually everyone was awake, and they all had the same reaction s me. I was cooking some eggs and bacon for my breakfast when my phone buzzed. Lola from Electro club was calling me. I moved y bacon onto a plate, i didn't want to cook it even more. I jumped up onto the bench and answered the call. "Hey Lola, hows it going?" i asked. "Hey April, Electro, as you probably know has been closed for a while because of the lack of people coming, due to last years 'incident' but this Friday night there is a huge party for Electro's fifth year birthday, and theres going to be an agency looking for Dj'"  she said to me, this was my chance to get somewhere. "Wow, thats amazing" i said. Cory came over and picked up my sandwich taking a huge chunk out of it. I kicked him on the leg and he gestured to all the chairs in the room.

I could her eLola trying to get my attention. "Well April, I thought this would be a good chance for you to get back into the Djing, and we might need a little ore of your help as well, in poster making" she said with a tone which made me scared to say no. "Sure, ill get right on it, thank you again Lola" i said, she hanged up the phone ad i started to think. This might be my big chance to get into the big leagues, but what if something goes wrong? Nah that wont happen, i hope. Well i'm going, haven't been there for a while.  I went over to the calendar hanging off the wall. I looked at the date for Friday night. Then i saw todays date. "SHIT" i said loudly attracting a lot of attention.  "What is it April?" cory said putting his hand on my back concerned. "Its the twins 10th birthday today, i completely forgot, i better get going" i said dodging the food and blankets to get upstairs.


Miron and i sat outside on the wooden seat looking out across the snow. "This is just strange, but awesome" he said taking a sip of hot chocolate and nearly spitting it out at the hotness. "Yeah, like a powerful, evil witch trying to kill us is awesome" i said sarcastically making him smirk. "So, whats it like?" he asked me, but i didn't under stand what he ment. "Whats like?" i asked him back. "having all these people, like a family who worry and care about you so much, and are always nice" he said. Miron hasn't always had the best family life, like many of us. "Its good, but  sometimes they worry t much, Like April and Cory, but thats to be expected from your alpha, mainly when she's a born willing alpha, or born true alpha" i said to him. He put his Hot chocolate on the little coffee table and walked out onto the snow. "Whaaat are you doing?" i asked as he bent down doing something.

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