Chapter Twenty Three:Signalling The Beginning Of The Fight

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Then there was a knock at the door.

Me and Cory looked at each other worried. I quickly opened the door. My mum, Sindy's mate  and Jules stood outside on the porch. "Mum? What are you guys doing here?" i asked. "Like we said, we're are joining the fight, no matter what happens" my mum said coming in. "Hello again everyone" she said. "Umm...okay" i said. I shut the door. They was a bit of awkward silence for a while. "oh, right,  Sunny, Calder and Maria and Yoni can you four go take the mer's out to the clearing near the beach line and help train and give them the information" i said. "Yep" they replied. "Okay people, Alrawolfa will have some serious power on her side, more than we may think, now we need to be even more powerful, smart, risky and vicious" i said. Everyone crowded around the lounge looking at me.

"We definitely know she has phoenixes, but how amy we don't know, she will have werewolves, vampires, panthers, merpeople and god knows what else" i stated clapping my hands together. "Equity can you tell us what you remember" i said. She got up nervously. "When i woke up this morning i remembered what Alrawolfa's plan is" she started. "Her group are moving forwards, moving closer and closer, setting up camps and getting people to  patrol, training creatures with hellhounds, chimera's and each other, by what i remember they are going to set up on our east hill, the one with the huge clearing" she said. "Thats near the cliff isn't it?" i heard someone ask. "Yeah, it pretty much is the cliff" she replied. "Wait, is this the cliff that over looks the beach, some of the town and the moon?" i asked. She nodded. "The changing cliff" my mum muttered. "Great" i grumbled.

After out meeting and talk i went over to my mum who for some reason was cleaning. "Hey mum, wheres Sindy?" i asked. "Oh at home with the boys and Nala, we thought that of course we needed someone looking after them, and if Sindy joined the fight, we don't want her to die, for Nala's sake the most" she said. "Very smart" i replied. I felt a rumble in my stomach. "I'm going to get some energy" i said. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a slice of pizza. I ate it cold for some reason and walked back up stairs to check on something.

I went to my bedside table and was about to open the draw when i had a sudden pain in my stomach. I had only felt this feeling a few times in my life. I felt like i was going to throw up. I held my hand over my mouth and stomach and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned over the toilet and threw up jus tin time. I looked up and thought. It couldn't of been the pizza. I put a towel under my but and sat on the floor next to the tiles, the pain was still there. My eyes widened and i leaned back over the toilet.

I heard someone come in. "April?" Cory said. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulder rubbing them. "What?" he said. "I don't know" i replied chucking up again. "I just started to feel sick" i said. "Ok, i think i'm good" i said whipping my mouth with toilet paper. "This is just getting to strange,come on lets go" he said. "Wait" i said quickly going to my draw. I pulled out two necklaces. My silver necklace with an opal from when i first changed and my little bottle with my fathers ashes. I quickly put them on walked down with Cory.

He picked something off the table and passed it to me. A pack of gum. I looked up at hi annoyed, he gave me a smirk. "What? your breath smells like pewk" he said i gave him a friendly but annoyed punch in the arm and stuck a few pieces in my mouth.

"I have an idea" he said. "What?" i asked. A dark colour loomed over his face. "We need to leave the house, keep moving, we're like sitting ducks" he said. That was true. "Yeah, good idea, ill check with the others" i said. We called another meeting and got everyone  to listen to Cory's idea. "Yeah thats a good idea" everyone was muttering. "Ok, alert the others, tell the to meet us at the border line" i said. "We're on it" Said Rick, he and crystal jumped up and sprinted out into the trees. "Ok everyone, get anything important that will help us and blah blah blah, we leave in a hour" i said. Everyone jumped up and ran to their rooms. 

An hour later, everyone was at the border line near the water. "Ok heres the plan, we head to the cliff, if we head out now we just might have a chance to get there before Alrawolfa, have the upper hand and all" i said. Everyone nodded. "OK, lets go" i said. We started hiking to the cliff. It was a while away about nearly two hours walk, but we are all supernatural(Except for Emilie who was decked out with weapons), we could do it faster. I checked the time and it was getting later. We started jogging after a while to get there faster. My necklace with my opal started feeling warm, it started to feel as if energy was surging through it. I held my hand tight to it as we ran.

We got to the cliff, it seemed a lot more open than last time. It was wider and flatter, of course the perfect occasion for a supernatural battle. "What now?" Vicky asked. "I-" i was cut short by the sounds of growls. Everyone spun around. Glowing eyes and dark figures moved in the trees. We all got our selves ready.  Wolves, felines and vampires came out facing us. We all line dup in a defensive position. Our enemy bared their teeth, screeched and growled. We stood their still waiting for the attack.

Then a Phoenix swooped down blowing flames at the pack. I focused on the flames stopping them from hitting, some mer's put up a wall of water.

Our enemies screamed, signalling the beginning of the fight.

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