Chapter Twenty One: Electro's Dress Up

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I laid out my costume for tonight. I stood back from it looking at it. I nodded and pushed it into a pile. Then i heard a whistle from down stairs. I looked up at Cory who had just come out of the shower. "I don't know" he said. I looked out and walked down stairs. I saw Will standing in the middle of the lounge room everyone gathering around him. "I...have some news" he said looking nervous and tense. "You reek of nervousness Will" Charlotte said sitting down. "Yeah buddy, whats going on?" Rick said patting him on the back. "Im going to introduce you to my mate" he said, everyones faces lit up, smiles on all. "Really" Said Yoni, "Finally" Maria said sitting back. "So...who is she" Cory said coming down to join me. It felt awkward, Wills face went pale, then he blushed. "Its a he" he said, Everyones smiles got wider and some people cheered.

I heard a loud ding at the door. "And thats him" he said turning around and opening the door. When Will eventually moved out of the way his mate stepped through. He was around the same hight as will which was not very tall, he had dark tan skin, brown short hair that was shaved a the sides, he had bright brown eyes but there was one things that stood out more than anything, his smell. "This is Chase" Will said. This kid smelled like Charlotte, he was a vampire. "Hi" Chase said confidently. Everyone started jumping up screaming to introduce themselves.

It took along time for the noise to die down. "Wow, theres lot of you" he said. "Well i cant say no" i said walking over to him. "Hi i'm April Silverwater" i said holding out my hand. "You're the alpha" he said shaking my hand. "how'd you guess, Will did you tell him?" i said. Will shook his head. "Ah, i have my skills" Chase said. I smiled. "Well Chase, Will here wont let you down" Vicky said. "Yeah, he'll catch you" i hear Alex say, everyone smiled at how lame that pun was. "Hey Chase, you interested in coming to a party tonight" i said, he turned to me surprised. "Really?, Where?" he asked. "Yeah, Electro club tonight, Everyones coming, its dress up" i said. "I have always wanted to go but have never had a chance, count me in" he said.

We all went to Electro together. I wore a fur vest over a glowing silver top, silver wolf pants, black boots with a small heal and fake but realistic looking wolf ears and tail. When i got to the club i had an idea to top the outfit. I was painted with silver glowing swirls going up my arms,neck and small swirls going up my cheek and chin. I was the DJ i had to be decked out.

I got to the back entrance of the club and saw Lola. She was dressed as a werwolf, but everything she was wearing looked incredibly fake but i was the one who did have the real deal."Haha i guess we had the same idea, and wow you look amazing, those contacts, ooh and those claws very nice, that must of taken you ages" she said, i smile and nodded. I turned on my eyes, got my fangs and claws out but kept my self under control. "Well we have a new addition to your desk, well podium so i will take you where you need to go" she said. She led me through the backstage then down a few steps. "Oh right, the Record Producer is here tonight so don't freak out, do the usual and just do your thing and rock it" she said while leading me under the stage. She stopped me at a small blue circle podium, Five beams connected it to the ceiling. "Cool" i said.

The Club filled with people, Lola went to the front of the DJ desks. I stood on the podium in the basement. I heard the muffled sounds of voices and then Lola. "Im so glad you all came to the dress up night, you all look amazing, but not as amazing as his nights going to be" she started i made sure everything was check, i calmed my self down and straightened dup on the podium. "...And welcome back our awesome DJ Dzo" she said, the crowed roared with cheering, i heard a few screams as smoke flooded the club. I stood straight with my fist in the air, i rise'd up into the DJ desk. "YEAH" i yelled. I saw lola walk back off . "How we all doing tonight?" I said into the microphone on my desk. The crowed screamed and replied. "Yeah, look at these costumes wow, its going to be a good night huh? I don't think you came to hear me talk so why dot i stop yapping and we start the music?" i yelled. "YYYEEEAAHHH" The crowd replied. I set up a Galantis mix and started the track loud.

People jumped around like crazy,laser beams lit up the club, glow in the dark costumes came to life and the atmosphere was awesome. I spotted the pack spread out a bit, they all looked so happy, they where having so much fun and i liked seeing that.

After a while i started to notice a man keep writhing things down in the corner, he wore a plane suit and held a clipboard, i turned away from his gaze quickly. I kept smiling and dancing around. I looked to my left and saw a big sparkly button, i smiled and hit it on the drop. Streamers and confetti burst everywhere on the crowd covering them in small pieces of confetti and streamer. I laughed at my friends all tangled together.

The night ended with a remix of Stitches by Shawn Mendes. There was a lot of boo's as Lola said that we had to draw a close tot he night. It was funny seeing the pack dance, especially Nick, but i was happy he was feeling better, ever since Nikole he's been so down, and that was aged ago, to be honest i'm still coping too, she was my sister.

Once everyone got out i met the pack out the front. "Wow April, i didn't know YOU where Dzo, and i didn't know you where that good" Chase said amazed. "Well i have been Dj'ing for years now so, and there was also a Record Producer there so i just did it a notch up" i said, "That was more than a notch" Cory said putting his arm around my shoulders. "Ok maybe a bit more than a notch" i said. "Hey April, wanna come for desert with us, where going to Bay Vista" Emily popped out of the group. "Nah i think i'm just going to go back home, i'm really tired" i said. "Well then you and Cory have the house to your selves" Charlotte said nudging my shoulder. "Don't get up to too much tonight alright" i heard. "Oi" Cory said turning.

"Haha, well you guys have fun stuffing your faces with ice cream and cake and deserts" i said as we where about to part ways. "Yeah, and we will bring back some cake" Alex said as they started walking down to the shopping area. I looked at Cory and smiled. "Well we have the house to our selves, first time in ages" he said "Yeah feels like just yesterday we where alone together with out the others, but its been so long" i said leaning on his shoulder.

We walked back to the house and when we opened the door the dogs where asleep on the lounge. Cory went to get them off "Just leave them, they're peaceful" i said, he turned shrugging. "Lets go up stairs" he said. He walked over and literally swept me off my feet, he pulled the back of my knees and picked me up into his arms. I put my arms around his neck. He looked into my eyes as we walked up stairs, i felt like he was going to drop me a few times but, i trusted him. I flashed my eyes making his flash. "Oi don't do that its annoying" he said nearly dropping me. "Soz" i said, i leaned into hi and we started kissing. The door flung open and he dropped me on the bed, i let out a fun yelp and he took his shirt off. "Aren't you getting hot in that?' he asked me looking at my clothing. I nodded, it as actually a bit hot. He bit his lip and crawled on the bed over to the top of me. "What are you doing?" i whispered. "About to have some fun" he replied and he started undoing my clothes.

*_-Third Person P.O.V.-_*

We broke down the rest of the camp and proceeded forward. The group was large and we needed a lot of supplies. I kept looking at my claws, i wasn't used to them yet, i was bit a few days ago then brought to see Alrawolfa, i started training hard to fight. All i know is theres an alpha and her pack and they want to kill all supernaturals and take over, be the apex predators in the country. I didn't see this as right so i agreed to help fight. I walked by myself, not many people really tried to make friends, probably because they know we will lose a few people during this fight so its not worth making friends. I sighed and kept moving.

"10 Minuets till next base" i heard someone a the front of the group say. The plan was to get as close as we can to the alphas house and kill them unexpectedly. We advanced to a clearing at the bottom of a hill. We set up camp on the ground, in the nearby lake and up in the trees. "Hey, newbie" i heard behind me, i turned around and saw a boy round my age. "I heard you're the hybrid of the group here" he said. "Yeah, so?" i replied. "So, i want you to know, that you have more power than a lot of these people combined, use it and use ti well, we strike for the closest to our enemy, gang up on the most powerful, the alpha April, don't go her alone she's worse than a hell hound" he said walking closer. "Ok, i will" i said. He turned back to me "Good, oh and by the way we attack tomorrow".

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