On the phone with Philomena

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"Oh, I was so over him.

Number one, he works at the Keloid Theater, and, you know...Actor? Not feeling it.

Number two, his socks didn't match. Girl, I saw when he sat down, a striped and a white one.

Then he started talking about vesicants, which - What? I don't know.

He ordered beer in a wine glass, I am not kidding.

His text alert was the theme song from Avatar,

that's when I called you to call me and tell me there was an emergency,

and he looked sad like he knew, but he got my coat and we left the Morpheme Cafe.

Out on the street the rain had started, and I put up my umbrella, and of course he didn't have one.

The water cascaded over the sidewalk, and some girl

bumped into me, and he grabbed my arm, and said, Steady!

And that's when I saw his hand was dry. 

And the rain wasn't touching him. 

And it glowed at his feet like some kind of magic was just sluicing off his skin, right there on South Street,

And by then it was too late, and I had to watch him walk away, and there was nothing I could say

To bring him back and make it all different..."

Waitress at the Morpheme CafeWhere stories live. Discover now