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Adverbs, forbidden and crunchy. Beware, their calories add up quickly.

Forgotten words, like gambol and Whig - a bit dry at times, but delicious with a cold Sauterne...

The ever-changing morphemes that we must catch from a bowl with our bare hands and dare to bite into as they wriggle and slip between our teeth:

Present participle pasta with a gerund sauce - far too rich for me, but you might like it.

Also the present tense, first person diet - sweet and slick, but I prefer a muskier lunch

And as the waitress serves us, we slurp the noodles that leave an O of gravy on our lips

Before we reel like drunks to the outside world, still repeating the addictive words like an incantation.

Waitress at the Morpheme CafeWhere stories live. Discover now