Michelle On My Mind

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Fibrous shields in each finger (digiti minimi, profundus etc) flexed and were covered by the opponens in the thumb to form a fist.

The triceps brachii foreshortened, as deltoid and abductor muscles prepared for the blow.

Bone and flesh slammed into uterus, placenta, umbilical cord again and again.

Stomach was starved of food for two weeks, and cells broke down into proteins, released into the bloodstream - 

this stage is called autophagy, where muscle (like the abductor) starts to waste away.

Perhaps during the forced starvation, more punches were thrown. Yes, they probably were.

At some point, the small spark of light, the tiny heartbeat

gave up, released its hold, and slipped away through a wormhole into a city of stars, where it could play with octopi and mermaids.

I like to think of it that way.

This happened five times to Michelle, and she delivered five heartbeats to the Star City

where they lost all connection with the abductor

and where they sent their new rhythms through untold distances

to arrive in her dreams, and who knows the anatomy behind those?

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