Queen of One Hundred Crunchy People

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She doesn't know why

she has to be the queen of one hundred crunchy people:

the ones who go shopping and buy special cleaners 

for different surfaces and hard-to-reach areas and yet they leave

two hundred footsteps on her walkway.

She wants to get her nose pierced

She wants to take a bath in milk

She wants to walk on the beach with another girl,

a friend,

in simple conversation, arm in arm,

and with an old Instamatic camera, take a picture of the selkie tracks left in the sand.

At moonrise, the waves reveal a path

and the Queen's girlfriend fires up the VW van so they can drive

right into the ocean, on the path left bare

by the outgoing tide

to a far, far island to research knitting patterns 

and the Queen and the Queen's friend

will skirl their thoughts into the wool

and give them to the poor to wear.

Instead, she must be Queen of one hundred crunchy people.

She knows this, but still

when the moon rises, she can't help waking up

to tiptoe to the window, to look through the glass

at the tracks that aren't there yet in the sand

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