Chapter 1 - Lucky I Guess?

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Annyeong annyeong~ Writer-nim is in 'da house! Recommended song '20' by Seventeen.Enjoy~
"You what?!?!??!"screamed Ara's best friend,Min in a shock."*sighed* signed the trip to korea registration... how many times did i tell you that?! Ut's like 15 times already..."said ara tiredly."But hell what?!??!?! I must say i don't believe you,but you know you're the only one fron our class who's going to that country.And you also know that 9th grade seniors are going there.You know they're bullies right? I don't want you to get hurt because of them..." said Min."Done with the speech? I know they're bulliers but don't you remember my defensive skills? You know how their expression are when I said those inapproprite(is this right?) speeches I said to them... So scared..."said Ara with her long speech too."Okay...I'll mind that... You're like the best bulliers i ever met...just...if yiu're afraid,call... Understand?"asks Min.Ara then nodded.

D-Day Ara go to Korea...

"Goodbye Ara...I'm going to miss you so much!"said Mrs.Lee(Ara's mom) as she hugs Ara."Goodbye mum...I'll miss you too...Wait for me for 3 weeks okay?It won't be to long..."said ara.Then she takes her 'Beanpole' bag and her small pillow and walks to the airport to check-in with her teacher.

After 6 hours of flight...

"Ara,do you want to sit with me or with the others?"asks Ara's teacher."Maybe alone miss..."said ara.She then take the 2nd seat from the back.Which the only sit there.After taking a seat,she take her phone and wear her earphones.Ara then plays the song '20'.After that,Min send a message Ara,how is it? to Ara.Then ara reply Nothing much,why?.Didn't take a long time to reply,Min then reply Nothing...Just enjoy there alright...Don't be too icy... Ara then reply it with a smile emoticon.Finished with the text messages,she look up outside.'It's beautiful here... I wonder...' she thoughts.She then relaxes herself with a deep sigh.Hoping something miracle would happen.


After 1 week...

"Where are we going now,senior?"asks ara coldly to a senior in front of her."A-a...d-d-duty sh-shop..."she stuttered."Oh~Okay..."ara smirks.That's how the seniors reply to what ara always ask or say.They always stutters.Actually Ara has never cursed them since the first day they're in Korea.Maybe because of the rumors they heard at school.

After 30 minutes,the bus is already stops in front of a tall building which is the duty free mall.Ara sighs knowing that they will go shop this time.Don't know what to do and just walking around back and forth around the building from the first floor till the last one.Ara's tracher then came to ara to ask if evrything's find until now and Ara just say yes.But the Ara permit to go outside to search some fresh air and will come back fast.

After getting a permission,she then take a walk in a park in front of the building with her black-long jacket and blue jeans wrap around her.Don't forget an 'OXO' snapback and white,mickey sneakers.When she's walking through the park,she sees a group of people screaming and take photos of something/or someone.At first Ara is not curious and just forget it,but slowly her curious is bigger and bigger.To overcome her curious,she then runs to those peoples and slips in to know what about.When she's getting to see it,it's a bunch of cute and hot guys,dancing around with fans around them screaming their names and song.Ara who just listens to music and not know who sings the song just see them in awe.She knows the song,it's her favorite song,'20'.

Ara hasn't even budge from her position for like 20 minutes.For Ara,hearing the song and melodies is like as sweet as candies and chocolate.Like these melodies she hear right now.It's perfect.

When she's hearing those sweet melodies,a fan who hasn't even stops screaming then unpurposely(is it right?) kicks Ara until she falls in front.Which is where the dancers should actually be.' hurts...'she thought as she rubs her knee.When that happens,everyone just stay silent,even the dancers.Everyone just look at the falling ara.Just then,one of the dancers walks to ara and offer a hand.Noticing that,Ara takes it.Making everyone,especially the fans around them,gasped.Ara just shocked and hurts.Because the kick is so hard,her knee's cutted because of the sharp rocks in the ground,making it a deep cut and bleeding.The boy then helps Ara stands and walk her.

"Hyung,where should we treat her knee?"asks the white,tall,hot byt cute boy who helps Ara to a boy who's a bit shorter and more maculine-like."The car."said the masculine-like boy as he helps Ara too.Seeing what happens,the reporters begin to take photos of them,making Ara's eyes hurts.Entering their car,both of the boys then treated Ara's deep,bleeding cut."It's already finished miss..." said the masculine-like boy as he smiled.Ara just sit there,blankly.'What just happen?'she thought.The boy then slightly pokes Ara to wake her hp fron her daydreaming."Miss..."said the boy."Huh?"said ara waking up fron her daydreaming as she bows."Kamsahamnida..."she said.The boy then smiled.

"Agassi,why did you fall?"ask the boy."I think someone kicks me fron the back.By the way,are you that famous?I actually don't know you..."said ara with her korean skills."Ah~ it's okay,well we are a new debuted group.We're still rookies.Not many people know us."said the boy."But hell didn't you see?!Your fans is like as many as when a minister came by...It's like a storm!So many!"said Ara too over."Haha~By the way,what's your name?"asks the boy."Ara,Lee Ara.My mother is korean and my dad's half american half-indonesian.You?"asks ara."Me? I'm.........


End!!!!!!!Next update maybe next month? or maybe 2 weeks later? Just wait! Okay? Annyeong!!!!

Surprise?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora