Chapter Two | old friend

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After the incident in third period I had made sure to stay focused in the rest of my classes as to avoid receiving yet another detention slip. Thankfully the remainder of the school day passed without a hitch and after the final bell rang I snatched my stuff from my locker and headed towards the class that detention would be held in.

I slowly opened the door and carefully approached the desk where the art teacher Mr.Davidson was seated. He gave me a warm smile as I handed him the slip and told me to take a seat wherever I want. I murmured a quiet 'okay' before turning around to find a seat preferably in the back. I took a quick survey of the class and let out a small gasp as my eyes met those of Alec Noble, Ridgewoods star football player and the boy I've sworn to avoid at all costs. He wasn't really the star football player though. He was a skilled player from what I've heard, but definitely not the star. That spot was reserved for Jackson Rivers. Still, seeing him face to face after avoiding him for years starting awakening thoughts and feelings that I had desperately tried to push away so I speedily broke eye contact and rushed to an empty spot in the back. I could feel his eyes on me the whole way there, but I made sure to not look up at him again.

After I had plopped down in my newly claimed chair a couple more students guilty of some sort of wrong doing filtered in. The class was still fairly empty but it didn't surprise me. The students at Ridgewood High generally weren't big troublemakers. There was the occasional senior prank, but that was about it when it came to any form of rebellion.

Mr.Davidson took a second to see if anymore students were going to arrive and after none did he stood up and began to speak. "Welcome to after school detention everyone you're all free to talk and finish whatever homework you have, but please keep the volume down to a reasonable level. This class will last an hour your time starts now."

Upon him finishing his short speech a quiet chatter broke out among the students present and me being an unsocial butterfly simply placed my head down on the table. I may as well get some sleep out of this. I was on the verge of unconsciousness when I heard the sound of the chair next to me being moved and then someone clearing their throat as to get my attention. I regretfully opened my eyes and sat up, groaning inwardly when I saw who had occupied the seat next to me.

"What do you want Alec?" I asked in a not too friendly tone.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend of yours?" He questioned, his green eyes full of mischief.

I suppressed the fairly demanding urge to stick my tongue out at him and ended up rolling my eyes instead.

"You're not my friend."

"I know." He smirked as he answered. "I said that I was your old friend not your current one." By then I gave up and simply stuck my tongue out much like a grumpy four year old would.

"Wow you're mature."

I simply shrugged not wanting to prolong the conversation. I just wanted him to leave so I could go back to ignoring his existence as I had been doing for the past two years.

"So how are you?" He questioned, still not giving up on getting me to converse with him.

"Oh I'm just dandy." I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Alec just shook his head at my sickly sweet tone. "Felicity please."

"I'm doing just fine." I expressed with finality. I had started unthinkingly fiddling with the sleeves to my oversized hoodie.

Alec opened his mouth to say something else when much to my luck Mr.Davidson announced that the hour was up and we were free to go. I silently thanked the angels above before tossing my bag onto my shoulders and exiting the room.

Right as I was walking out of the building a large hand grabbed hold of my arm causing me to wince as I spun around to face the culprit. I unsurprisingly came face to face with Alec and jerked my slightly throbbing arm out of his grasp. I tucked a strand of dark brown hair behind my ear before looking up into Alec's eyes. A look of confusion crossed his face and his eyes quickly flashed to my arm then to my face as he silently tried to understand my reaction. His eyes widened with realization and I made a last minute decision to sprint away before he could actually say anything.

As I ran I could hear him calling after me, but I ignored him and soon enough he gave up and thankfully headed towards the football field to catch up with the rest of his teammates.

Despite the fact that I was no longer being pursued I hadn't slowed down my pace and because my head was in the clouds I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. My converse clad foot got caught in a ridge on the sidewalk which resulted in me tumbling to the ground. The fall brought me back to reality and I just let myself lay there on the cold cement for a bit. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breath was heavy and ragged mostly due to the fact that I'm not a super athletic person. I let myself stay splayed out on the pavement for a minute more and then I cautiously pushed myself up, wincing slightly at my scraped up knees and palms. It was just my luck that I'd be wearing ripped jeans on the day that I'd end up giving the concrete sidewalk a hug. After assessing my 'injuries' I gradually made my way home.

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Hey guys! Longtime no see! I finally took some time and wrote a few chapters for this story, so I can confidentially say Respiration is off of hiatus. Hope you enjoy (:

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