Chapter 1: Trains, Reunions, and Prank Victim Planning

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My best friend, best friend, to the very end

Cause best friends, best friends, don't have to pretend

-"Oath"Cher Lloyd


Emma POV


That would be my friend Jaylen. As usual, I'm assuming she spent her summer being dragged to the wizard high-society parties her parents drag her too for the no reason whatsoever. Meaning she probably spent the past three months surrounded by Slytherins.

It makes me so incredibly happy that my father married a Muggle woman, thereby A) Bringing me into existence, and B) Meaning I don't have to put up with pureblood idiots throughout my life. I mean, they're not ALL bad(Jaylen's family, the Weasleys) but when you think about the horror of being around a-holes like Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy, being a half-blood is the best thing that could have happened to me.

"Great to see you too, Jay. How's the parties? What was everyone wearing, I'm just dying to know!" I say in my best imitation of Pansy.

She laughs. "Hell on earth. Cruel and unusual punishment. The usual."

"Emma! Jaylen! Hey!!" Our other friend Renee runs up to us. "Where's Abigail?"

"Here," the fourth member of our group says. "Come on guys, let's go get a compartment."

We all run onto the train, stopping to wave at Harry, Hermione , and Ron. Their compartment's full, so we grab the one to the right of it and flop down into our seats.

Renee starts the conversation. "So, who are we pranking this year?"

"Parkinson. And Snape. And Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. We get them, I'm happy." I reply.

"Add Marcus Flint and that covers everyone I hate." Renee adds.

"Anybody know who the new DADA teacher is? Cause we might have to add him to the list." Abigail puts in.

"Can't be any worse than Lockheart." Jaylen says. "Harry and Ron wouldn't let me feed him to the basilisk! Would you believe it?!"

"Yes, them and their damn morals," Renee says sarcastically.

"Been hanging out with Malfoy all summer. All my morals went floating away on a Sea of Complete and Utter Annoyance. Oh, and huge news, by the way. You're never going to believe it-"

"Oh look. A Mudblood, a blood traitor, and two idiots. Who would of thought?"

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