Chapter 2: Speak of the Devil(Though the Devil Would be Preferred)

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"Two idiots? That's the best you could come up with?" Renee rolls her eyes. "Considering both Emma and I-and Jaylen and Abigail, for that matter-got all better test scores then you for both first and second year, what exactly does that make you, Malfoy?"

"A dumbass." Jaylen says.

"Oh, please Diamond, you think you're better than me?" Malfoy snaps at Renee. " At least my father stayed true to his family."

"Yes, by joining Voldemort, and then bribing half the Ministry to stay out of Azkaban after Voldy's ass got handed to him by a three-month year old kid." She replies.


"Harry does, why can't I?"

"Oh yes," Malfoy sneers, his trademark smirk on his face. "Potter as a role model. How cute."

Abigail rolls her eyes. "While it's nice that you came all the way down from your compartment just to see us, Malfoy, we would appreciate it if, in the future, you would keep your completely unwanted opinions to yourself."

That's Abigail for you. She stays quiet for most of a fight, then lets go with something awesome like that.

Malfoy just sneers at us again and walks out.

Jaylen sighs. "So, as I was saying before we were so RUDELY interrupted, big news."

I grin "Great, now spill."

"Alright, so I was at this party this summer, you know? And I, in all my infinite luck, get stuck next to Malfoy at the dinner table."

We all shudder appropriately.

"And he was sitting next to this guy from Durmstrung, who's apparently a friend of his, and they were talking about this girl. And apparently, Malfoy thinks she's hot but this chick hates his guts. Sadly, at this point they figured out I was listening and changed the subject."

"So, a girl who hates his guts? Well, that narrows it down to all the girls in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, about eighty percent of the Ravenclaws, and one percent of the Slytherins." I say. "Not exactly something easy to figure out."

"Can we just stop talking about him?" Abigail sighs. " I just can't deal with that jerk right now."

"Welcome to the club. Alright, change of subject." Jaylen says.

There's an awkward silence for about a minute as we all try to figure out what to talk about.

"So, you hear about that Sirius Black guy?" Renee asks. "What's with that guy anyways?"

"Big supporter of You-Know-Who, killed thirteen Muggles and practically blew up a street. My dad was there, he helped bring Black in." Jaylen answers. "He said the guy was laughing his head off, he was THAT crazy."

"He just escaped from Azkaban? How do you do that anyways? I mean, I thought it was supposed to be the really high-security place?" I ask.

"It is, that's the point."

The train suddenly starts slowing down.

"What the heck??"(Renee)

"We can't be there yet, right?"(Jaylen)

"No way are we there already, maybe we broke down."(Abigail)

"This train can break down?" (Me)

All the lights go out.

"Okay, that does it, I'm gonna go see what's going on." Jaylen says.

"Don't leave! What if we're under attack or something?" Abigail whispers.

"Why would someone attack the Hogwarts Express?"

"Why do people attack anywhere?!"

"Point taken." Jaylen sighs. "Screw it, I'm still going out there."

"Ouch, that was my foot!"

"Sorry, Emma."

"Lumos maxima!" Renee whispers and we can all see the dim outlines of each other's faces.

The compartment door opens. And in comes-

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