There's a Nazgul in my Compartment

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He was a boy

She was a girl

Can I make it any more obvious?

-Avril Lavigne, Sk8r Boi


"Merlin, Goyle, you put us in a compartment with them!?"

"What you talking about, Malfoy? You brought us to this one-"

"SHUT IT!!" He snaps. The rest of us are watching this with a lot of eye-rolling, complaining about the riffraff in this car, and asking for the password, because without it we would have to kick them out.

"No, we can't kick them out!" Renee hisses to Jaylen.

"You actually WANT to be around these idiots?! WTF, Renee?!"

"It's a strategy thing. Something's out there. And we don't know what, but ten to one it's not good. Therefore, shields could be very useful."

"You wanna use them as shields?!" I burst out laughing. "Renee, that is the best idea I've heard in a long time."

"Dibs on Crabbe. I think he's fattest." I say, still laughing.

Abigail snickers. "Considering that Crabbe is probably fat enough to hide both if us, mind if I hide with you?"

"Not at all."

"Shut it Selene." Crabbe grumbles.

"Such a great comeback. I'm wounded, people, positively wounded." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Would all of you be quiet!!"

"Nah, don't feel like it Malfoy" Renee says.

"When we die, I blame you." He snaps at her.

"No, you're going to die. We're using you guys as shields, remember?"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Crabbe and Goyle both scream at once. I whip my head around from watching Malfoy's and Renee's argument and suddenly scream.


I suddenly feel terrible. Like I'll never be happy again. Depressed. Take the saddest you've ever felt, multiply by nine thousand, and you won't even be close. Jaylen screams. Renee looks like she's in shock. Abigail's shaking like crazy. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle all look like they're about to throw up. Hopefully they don't, considering that these robes are new.

That thing, whatever it was, goes away and we're all left shivering, cold and terrified in the compartment.

Which lasts for about a minute, considering who's inside it.

"Selene, let go of me." Malfoy snaps. I blink, jolted out of my own head, and realize I'm clutching his hand so tight I'm surprised I haven't broken it. I let go of his hand and blush.

He just gives me this look that I don't know how to interpret. We all just sit there staring at each other until Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle get up and stalk out of the compartment.

Well, that was weird.

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