My Teacher's Way Too Death-Obsessed

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"Harry, that's a really big deal," Jaylen says.

"Look, he'll be fine as long as he stays on the Hogwarts grounds. No way is anybody getting past those dementors." I say.

"Black got past those things once, why can't he do it again?" Abigail says. "It's no guarantee."

"I'm writing my dad. He's head of Magical Law Enforcement, he can up the security." Jaylen says as we walk up the stairs.

"So...your father's going to hear about this?" Renee says with a smirk.

The dark cloud over our heads broken for a minute, we all laugh.

"Hey, nobody's gonna attack Harry with Dumbledore around, they'd have to be insane. And we can't spend the rest of the year freaking out, we got people to prank, and QUIDDITCH STARTS IN A WEEK!!!" I squeal. I'm a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and I love it. My dream is to play for England one day.

Harry grins, "Yeah, should be cool."

"How about Wednesday night we prank Malfoy?" Abigail suggests. "Start off the year on the right note."

"Dude, we came up with an entire list. We gotta narrow it down first."

"We'll do that tomorrow."



"I like this one."

"I don't get it! What's so funny about this anyways?"

"Jaylen, it's a Muggle movie reference."

"Can we do something I understand?"

"Sure, how about this one?"

"Definitly. You think we can pull this off?"

"Easy. We just start like this..."

We're currently planning our pranks for Malfoy. It's a working breakfast, with us eating our waffles and discussing our plans at the same time. It's honestly one of the highlights of the year.

"Emma, can you write this out? You're the best at disguising your handwriting." Renee points to an item on the list.

I smile and pull a quill and parchment from my bag.


"Okay...Anybody know what this is?"

We're all at Divination right now. It's absolute torture. We are reading tea leaves, for Merlin's sake. None of us have any clue what's going on right now, so we're all passing around our teacups within our group to try to see enough to pass this thing.

"Okay, Ron's got a keyhole, I think. That means, um...someone you have no suspicion of is untrustworthy."

"Fred and George, I bet."

"You trust Fred and George?"

"Not really..."

"Can't be them, then, it says someone you don't suspect."

"Oh, just go look at someone else's, Jaylen."

"Hmm...Are these glasses or is this an eagle? I can't tell."

"Glasses. What does that mean?"

"Okay, Renee, good news. You're going to make a beneficial discovery through surprising means."

"Sure, sure, whatever."

" have, lemme see...these kinda look like running people...An emergency in which you will need to have all your wits about you."

"This is absolute rubbish."

"Okay, this looks kinda like a trident...It says you're going to be successful in the Navy. Wait, wait, if you tilt your head like this, it's a vulture....Bad news, Abigail, tragedy, sorrow and tears are predicted...Let's put that down, you don't seem like the Navy type..."

"Emma, you have a water lily, that's a declaration of love. Either that or it's a dragon, hmm...Great and sudden changes..,"

"What's Harry got?"


"Okay, Harry, you either have a sheep or a dandelion, can't tell which."

We all eventually start crowding around Harry's cup, trying to figure out what it is.

Professor Trelawney comes over to see what the commotion is about.

"My dear..." She says, with a dramatic pause(Clearly believing that whatever she has to say next will interest us-And I can guarantee it won't-)"You have the Grim."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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