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So Just Now I Found Out  My WormHole Minipulator Was Damaged... Great. I'm In Cincinnatti in my Spear 1411 and the Invisiblility Cloak is broken. Hey Earthlings Come in Comeall To The Bigass Ship of wonders. 5 freish per person. or is it  dollars? I Dont know But at this point I Needed to repair my ship. 

The Components to Repair this thing were only found in Rockue Markets. But i found this control that i can regenerate my Spear 1411 it takes a while so i had to find a way to cover  it up. I Ran to a Clothes store, used my wormhole minipulator to suck him in a worm hole and stole all the clothes and dressed as a civilian. then i stole some wires metal and other conductors to craft a  memory wiping tool. Every time someone looked surprised i used it. I Mightve made a few act like theyre 2 years old but i dont want to get arrested.One vial of my blood coud change human tech and the human race would kill themselves with the tech i mean engineering humans with regenerations? Theyd have Obama for year. Democracy Did Not End well in Rockue.

My Goal After the Repairing was to find a companion, My Family and Hometown was dead. So I needed something to keep me company and to share ideas with. I'm The last of my species. The Rockues were dead.

Antonius Ka-Li And The Rokunian DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now