Step Six: Do Things That Make You Happy

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It's simple and self explanatory: do things that make you happy.

I'm not telling you to be selfish and blow all your money on food because you like food or to rob a store and then get arrested.

Not that.

But I am saying to do some things for yourself. Find a hobby or a passion of yours and go do it! Hangout with your friends and do fun things. Just bring some light into your life. You deserve to be happy whether you want to believe that or not.

Start wearing clothes that make you feel confident. Do something fun with your hair!

If you want to wear makeup, go ahead. Makeup isn't to impress people. It's a lot of fun first of all, and having eyeliner on fleek really does give you confidence. It makes you feel awesome with that winged eyeliner of your. Do it for yourself though, not for anyone else!

Also, keep in mind that you can't make everyone happy. If you've apologized to someone sincerely a number of times, and they still won't forgive you for something, just back off. You tried and you cared and that's good! But you can't make everyone happy. They'll come around eventually. Just don't take that out on yourself. If someone won't forgive you for something, it doesn't mean you're a bad person. Chances are they're being immature.


Remember, I'm always here to talk. I cannot stress that enough. Don't be afraid to message me!

How To Be Confident: Written By Someone Not ConfidentWhere stories live. Discover now