just a thank you ♡

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took their time reading this horrible book of mine.

I never really thought it would have so many reads, comments, and likes. you guys are the best! I couldn't have done with with out you.

I love you guys all xx

"hello, A, I just wanted to ask you something, every book has a meaning. what's yours?"

someone messaged me this question. I thought it was a good one, because it was.

my meaning of this book is...well, there's many meanings. for you, for me, for everyone.

mine is that there is ups and downs in life. there is sadness and there's happiness. life is an adventure. take some risk like Calum did texting Luke for the first time. you never know what would happen.

what's your meaning of this book?


I am not telling you to go talk to strangers randomly online. you should be save on who you talk to. never give out your address. be save. I want you all to be save xx

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