Chapter 5: Jack

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Hey guy's enjoy and tell me how I did on her brother's POV I just wanted to let you guys have a little information on what's going on at the castle anyways it's longish I guess so ENJOY!!!:)

picture of Jack----->



(Jacks P.O.V) Serenity's brother

It's been two days since Serenity has been missing and everyone was going insane trying to find her, especially me I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. I knew I should have stayed with her longer, shouldn't have left her so torn up. Just to go get drunk, something I hadn't done since the first year of Skylar's death, but I also needed to avoid Tiffany I couldn't tell her,at least not yet.

God what a stupid move.

I was approaching Serenity's room where I could here my mom sobbing and my fathers reassuring words, along with pacing, bickering, and talking. This was the room were everyone was at my mom wouldn't leave Serenity's room and my father couldn't leave her like that so that had become the unofficial meeting room. It had been this way since my father an mom went to her room to wish her a happy birthday but found no one. They looked every were in the castle and asked people if they had seen her, unfortunately no one had seen her and they didn't find her. Father had sent soldiers to look around the woods and around London, but there hasn't been any news from any of the soldiers.

As I came into the room nobody noticed, all my brothers and sisters were in here and other people looking at maps trying to mark places were to look. Her room was a mess they didn't know if she ran away or was kidnapped so they decided to look for some evidence of either. her room wasn't recognizable anymore things had been moved around to accommodate more people, Serenity always kept her room clean she said once if she wanted to live in a pig stock she would go live in one.

Her smell was gone as well, when ever you would step into her room you would be instantly bombarded by the sent of black raspberry and vanilla it was her scent the one I had grown accustomed to since I was a child, one of the things that never changed about her, and something that comforted me through the toughest of situations. Now it smelled of perfume, cigarets, and sweat from all the nervousness of the people around.

The whole castle was in complete madness but what else would you expect if the heir to the throne had suddenly disappeared without a trace. I went over to my mom who was holding Victoria tight to her chest and sobbing into her hair while Victoria just patted mom on the cheek with her tiny little hand. She had tears in her eyes to not knowing why everyone was crying just that mom was and that was reason enough for her.

My mom noticed me first, she put Victoria down an ran over engulfing me in a hug and I instantly relaxed into her. Serenity and I might not look a lot alike but we were twins connected since birth and mom probably felt that this hug was as close to Serenity that she was going to get until we found her, if we did find her.

"You know were going to find her." I said. To her no matter how much I doubted the fact.

She didn't say anything only nodded her head, pulled away and wiped away her tears.

I then headed over to my father he was taking it the hardest he thought it was his fault if he hadn't yelled at us then she wouldn't have been upset and gone for a walk. Which we still hadn't found out how she had gone out with out any of the guards seeing.

I got to my father and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder he looked at me and hesitantly smiled.

Are moment was interrupted when someone shouted

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