chapter 3: dead or alive?

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Sorry for the late update but I'll promise to update soon anyways enjoy

p.s sorry for the short chapter.



I couldn't help what I did next it was something natural to me ever since we were toddlers. I ran at him and jumped into his embrace wrapping my legs around his waste very unladylike due to my dress riding up but I truly did not care. I inhaled his scent of pine and cinnamon, that was so familiar to me. I couldn't help the next thing I did either, I cried because everything came back to me what happened to him. I sniffled when I ran out of tears, I truly needed to stop crying.

I heard a low chuckle I looked up at his shining blue gray eyes they were filled with confusion.

I jumped off of him and pinched myself maybe this was all just a dream but I felt it and I didn't wake up. I could feel myself paling and looked up at him he can't be real it's just not possible.

“Wh-wha-what are are you..what?” I stuttered.

He sighed and then his lips formed into a smile “Surprise..” he said.

“SUPRISE!!That's all you have to say your not supposed to be ALIVE your DEAD you can't be. How could you just do that to us don't even know what to call you right know that's how mad I am.” I screamed at him.

Yes, Skylar James Anderson died 4 years ago he was burned in a booming at a bar by a pair of escaped prisoners, who are now dead by the way. He told us he was just going to find a friend who was passed out drunk at the bar, he never came back they told us that Skylar was one of the people inside the bar when it exploded they found his body to it had his favorite sword and the same but burned clothing he was wearing. What was Skylar to us?

Well, He was me and my brother's best friend my first crush before I actually knew what real love was he was was everything to us when we were with him we weren't twins we were triplets. He lived at the castle with us in the room across from mine and Jacks and when he died I felt like a big part of me had died to, until someone came along and filled it with more love, but that's a different story. Jack handled his problem more well, badly he would get piss drunk and sleep with any girl he in countered he only lasted 1 year like that and only because Tiffany came along and patched him up.

“Look I'm sorry but-”he said but I interrupted him.

“There isn't a excuse for that, I mean did you just wake up that morning and say hey I think I'm going to fake my own death cause I feel like hurting the people I love.” I said and kept rambling on until he put his hand over my mouth.

“Please shut up, and listen.” He said.

“Why should I?” I said back when he had taken his hand back.

“Because he has a really good explanation for everything so if I were you I would shut my little trap.” Said a familiar deep voice from behind.

I turned around and there was my kidnapper on a horse smirking down at me.

“YOU!!!” I gasped.

“Miss me? You know after you left I saw a guard riding a horse around. I took that opportunity to well, get a new horse.” He said cockily.

“Why god do you hate me so!” I said looking up at the sky.

As I said that a bird flew by dropping poop on my kidnappers shoulder.

“I take that back.” I said smiling at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me while getting off his horse and trying to wipe the poop of with a cloth.

Skylar cleared his throat from behind me I turned around his face was one of confusion.

“Do you know each other, Gabriel?” He asked towards the kidnapper.

So that was his name, Hmm he looked more like a douche to me I smiled at my cleverness, get it cause ha cause he's..ya- uh never mind I didn't even get it.

“She's my kidnappe.” He said looking proud of himself.

“YOU KIDNAPPED HER ARE YOU DUMB DO YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS SHE'S-MMMMMMUMMUM....” He said but at the end it got interrupted by my hand over his mouth.

I looked over at douche I mean Gabriel and said “Were just going to go over here for a second.” I said as I dragged Skylar behind a tree.

“Look, you are not ruining my plan okay your not telling him who I am, I'm just the daughter of a rich lord okay? Get that through your head. Clear.” I whispered lowly but with venom towards him.

His eye's were wide and surprised.

“By the way I don't care what your excuse is all I know is that the relationship we had Is no longer there, you mean NOTHING to me...” My voice broke at the end. “You don't know how much you put us through.. you almost killed us.” I said in a small whisper. I left him there with him mouth hanging open.

OH intense poor Sky and harsh Serenity but don't worry there's more to Serenity's story and Skylar's. Gabriel has his own dirty little secret's to lolz.


I am a princess kidnapped by the King of Thief'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang