Chapter 8:Gabe vs. Jack-Jack

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Chapter 8

Gabe vs. Jack-Jack Okay this took forever but a high schooler + college classes= very hard to right my story but I'm trying plus Christmas break is in three weeks so that means more story righting:)

It was dark by the time we reached the castle. Apparently we hadn't left London at all, we were just wondering in circles on the outer woods of London. While the ever so clever Gabriel,was wondering what to do with me, so he took four long agonizing, irritating, completely filthy,back and bum aching days just so we would end up going in circles.

When I realized this I practically bit his head off. By the time I was done I was pretty satisfied that they were speechless not to mention I got all of my anger and stress from the last week out of my system.

"I don't see anything." whispered Gabriel.

We had left are horses by the woods near the palace and had come in through a hidden door near the back. We were now on the west wing of the castle under Jacks bedroom, his lights were turned off that was good I really didn't want him freaking out when his chimney started opening.

I started running my hand until I found it,hidden behind the ivy was a key hole I took off my peace of the key made out of silver and diamonds and looked over at sky.

"Do you have it?" I asked him.

I reached out my hand and saw the smile forming on his lips as he lifted the chain around his neck. These were our so called best friend symbols, we had found them in my tunnel hanging were a torch was supposed to be, we had excluded Jack from this, oh how he'd gotten mad.

"Never take it off."He said.

Sky handed me the bottom half of the key which was made of gold and rubies. I put the two half's together forming an all key, a key that can open whatever door it's inserted into. The door opened with a slight groan, we stayed still hoping no one had heard when nobody came we all breathed a silent sigh and continued inside.

Gabriel pulled out a match and lit the torch by the door. as soon as we were all in we heard another groan and behind us the door shut. I quickly lead the way through the passage way and up the stairs till we found the end of the tunnel.

"Pass me the torch." I said to Gabriel who passed it over.

I placed the torch in a torch holder which was secretly a lever as well and pulled it down with all my might. Jacks Chimney opened for us we stepped inside seeing nothing but shadows and dark lumps. I made my way towards his bedside table that held a lamp, even if it was dark I knew Jacks room like the back of my hand. I turned the nub and a soft glow engulfed the three of us.

I went over to Jacks closet and picked out a pair of beige trousers that Jack used to ride in. They were a bit to long for me, but I shrugged it off since they were going to be stuffed in boats. I wondered if I could sneak into my room and get my riding jacket and boots. I looked over at the master thieves and got a brilliant idea.

Jacks POV

A couple of days have passed since father has spread his decree of who he wanted dead. And I can not believe how many people think that I can't tell the difference between my sister and a girl who looks nothing and I mean nothing like her. I sighed as yet again the guards took away another young girl and surprisingly a women who wanted to pass her off as Serenity at least no one yet has confused her hair color they all have been Burnett, thank god they know a little bit of what there princess looks like.

I announced that I would be seeing no more people and walked back to Serenity's room. After they had found the tunnel in her room they have been searching every room to find more like hers but all the ones they've found have been locked. They have not searched my room and I seriously think that in the 18 years I've been living there I would have found it by now if there was one. I was to deep in my thoughts to see that there were people quickly moving through the hall ways until I bumped into someone and we both fell to the ground I looked over towards the maid and apologized I offered her a hand. Something was off about her hands. I looked over to see her face but it was covered by her hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2011 ⏰

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