Bab 16 *

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(2hari sebelum majlis)

Hari nie hujan hmmm macam mana nie, nasib hantaran baju nikah and baju majlis resepsi dah Ada kalau tak mati aku nak redah hujan uishh memang tak lah ...

Bunyi IPhone 5s miliknya menandakan mesej masuk ..

•Woiii bride to be *kiss* kau happy tak nak jadi wife kepada lelaki kesayangan kau even dia tak ingat kau langsung?• -Rina

•Well I don't know I'm happy or nah but I'm nervous coz he don't know who I am and he never feel that he love me . :( dia layan aku macam aku nie teruk sangat hmmm aku tak tau nak buat apa lagi Rin , aku penat, and feel that he just hate me :'( • - Me

•Beb kau kena kuat , Allah tak akan bagi kau ujian macam nie kalau kau tak kuat untuk hadapi dugaan Yang Dia bagi sayang, jangan mengalah untuk buat dia sayang kau faham hmmm I'll go to your house tomorrow with Mr Reza :3• - Rina. (lupa nak bagi tau, Rina dan Reza already married)

•Okey beb insyaallah aku kuat and I'll waiting for you Mrs reza . thanks bye aku nak eat dinner• -Me

•Okey assalamualaikum Mrs Fatah =P• -Rina

•Banyaklah kau, waalaikumsalam• - Me


(1hari sebelum majlis)

Awat rasa nervous sangat nie sabar Daniel kau mungkin akan berjaya buat dia benci kau yes maybe after nikah hmmmmm maybe . errr kenapa kepala aku sakit err "ibu" jeritku sebelum melelapkan mata ...

"Aku dekat mana nie ?" Daniel bermonolog sendirian,

("Boooo Niel" dia menyergah aku yang sedang mengelamun .

"Ya Allah Dhia, nak Niel mati ke apa?"

"Hehe Happy birthday Niel"

"Haha you remember today is my birthday . you really make me surprise my dear. " ....

"Ummm se...sebenarnye hmmm Dhia tau ummm just malas nak tunjuk dekat awak .. rasa lah kek tu . I bake by my own =)" oh dia pernah bake aku kek

"Oh ! really I will try it.. thanks so much dear" kataku hmm comel bila dia blushing

"Hmm sama sama kasih awak"

"Awak sedap sangat kek nie ! pandai awak buat . Niel suka sangat!" ....

"Hahaha" dia ketawa

"err kenapa ketawa ?" ...

"Nothing just wanna laugh hehe" dia tersengih kecil .


"Why are you sulking honey? but im not do anythin' to yah" dia bertanya  hmm Honey dia panggil aku honey ?

"Hey im not sulkin' okey i... i just hmmm wanna give you this . open it when you arrive home dear ."

"why I can't open it now ?" dia muncungkan mulutnya tanda protes .

"You know what you look so cute when you make your duck face sweetheart, and make me wanna pinch your cheeks. " ...

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