Chapter 3: Thumb drive

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...New York..

... Richard Castle Residence...

Castle slipped in the thumb drive to his computer. The computer screen sizzles unexpectedly instead of pulling up what is ever on the contents to the Thumb Drive. Castle looks around the room to make sure he is really alone. Eventually the screen clears up showing a skype live chat going on in another time.

"Castle!" John shouts. "Talk to me."

Castle stares in disbelief at John Connor.

"Connor?" Castle said.

"Finally got the frequency down with the tech team," John said.

"It has been 3 years," Castle said.

"Three years?" John said, flabbergasted. "So you are in 2018?"

"No, 2017," Castle said.

"..So it has been two years," John said. "I don't see Hemmington. What happened to him?"

"The Terminatrix got to him first," Castle said. "He's in the morgue."

"He was a fine man," John said.

"What is the skype for?" Castle asks. "I can't believe you went through all this trouble for a time message."

"Tyler," John said, with a grim look.

"Oh," Castle said. "He's living with my daughter."

John has a surprised reaction on his face

"Living with her?" John asks.

"They are married," Castle said. "Very married...I was there to let her go."

Castle recalls the marriage of Alexis Castle and Tyler Eleven on July 1st, 2016. He remebered holding her arm all the way to the alter where Alexis said "Dad, you can let me go now". Castle was reluctant to let her go but he had to trust his daughter then for her choice. The choice to marry a Terminator hybrid in her life. He posed questions prior to all this if T-11 can do human things such as reproduce.

Which Castle later found out T-11 that can have children

Castle let go of Alexis then sat down in the chair alongside Beckett.

"They look cute together," Beckett said.

"In a deadly kind of way," Castle mused.

Beckett elbow punched Castle.

"Do you, Alexis Castle, take Tyler Eleven as your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asked.

"I do," Alexis said.

"Do you promise to love him, care for him, and be there for him?" The Priest asked.

"I do," Alexis said, holding hands with T-11.

"Do you,Tyler Eleven, take Alexis Castle as your wife?" The Priest asked.

"I do," T-11 said.

"You may exchange rings," The Priest said.

The two exchanged rings.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife," The Priest said. "You may now kiss."

Alexis wrapped her arms around T-11's neck as he put his arms around her waist and they fall together into a kiss.

"Castle!" John snaps Castle out of the memory.

"Yes?" Castle asks.

"Can you please send a email to Alexis and attach this file to the email?" John asks.

"Sure," Castle said.

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