Dream or Nightmare?

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Percy's POV:


I was walking in a forest and I saw a girl weeping. I ran to help her. She was wearing a white dress that looked like it was woven out of moonlight. She had flowing white hair, though she was young.

''What's wrong?'' I asked. She turned to look at me.

''The world has forgotten.'' She said. What does that mean?

''Ummm I don't know what your talking about?'' This made her even sadder.

''Sorry. I didn't mean to-'' I began

'' Shhh. Tis not your fault. But you can help.''

''How?'' I was confused. She looked at me and sighed. As if she had hoped I would understand.

''Ahh. Hopefully you understand soon, young one.'' She began faded into the moonlight.

''Wait! What do you mean?! How can I help?!'' She was gone. I screamed and punched a tree. Then white hot fire began seeping through the earth. I tried to run but couldn't escape the flames. I was being burned alive. I screamed as loud as I could before the flames swallowed me whole.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn't have a clue what that dream meant, but if things went like they usually did I knew I would know in the near future. I checked my watch. It was two in the morning. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to take a walk in the forest. I sneaked past the harpies on patrol. I saw the forest and ran towards it. I would have to be back before breakfast or I'd be in serious dodo. I started to wander deep into the forest thinking about the dream.Who was that girl? What did she mean, the world has forgotten? I had no clue. I heard a whisper from behind. That was strange. As far as I knew I was the only one out here. I turned around expecting to find someone, but saw nothing. Huh. Weird. I kept walking but I heard it again. Once again I saw nothing. I stared to feel a little sleepy and stared to walk back to my cabin. I hadn't made it five feet when the drowsiness took over me and I collapsed.

Leo's POV:

Percy hadn't shown up for Breakfast. People didn't worry. I mean he's Percy Freaking Jackson. He probably just slept in. He did it all the time on the Argo 2. When we weren't fighting Giants and monsters. Oh and having sass battles (I refuse to believe they didn't have sass battles) Everyone started to worry when it was around it was around eleven and he had yet to make an appearance. Finally it was lunch time. He wasn't there. If he's pulling a prank i swear, anyways Annabeth had went to his cabin to wake him up. The rest of the seven (minus Frank and Hazel) was eating lunch. Chiron let us sit at the same table. Annabeth ran in panting.

''He's gone!'' She yelled. Everyone started shouting.



Stuff like that. But seriously if Hera is behind this.. Chiron tried to calm everyone down, but failed.

''OUIET!!'' Chiron shouted since his peacefully attempts didn't work. When he had everyone's attention he said ''We''ll send out search parties. Start with the forest. If he was kidnapped we'll take and search outside of camp.'' Once he finished someone entered the dining hall. And it was none other than Percy Jackson. He was caked in mud and dirt, no blood though. Annabeth ran up to him and punched him in the shoulder.

''WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!'' She yelled. Chiron said ''Sit down and give him a chance to explain.'' This better be good.

Percy's POV:

Everyone was staring at me waiting. I could tell them I took a walk in the forest, but how could I explain The drowsiness that came over me. It wasn't like my body was tiring on its own. I couldn't explain it. Something told me I wasn't supposed to talk about my dream.

''I fell asleep in the woods.'' I said bluntly. I got weird looks in return. Great. Now I would have to explain why I fell asleep in the woods.

''Dude, why would you sleep in the woods?'' Leo asked. Jason and Piper nodded.

''Cause I felt like it?'' I said/asked. Again, more weird looks. I sat down with Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and Jason, symbolizing I was done talking about it.

''Sooooooooooo,'' Jason said awkwardly. I realized I wasn't hungry. Weird. I hadn't had breakfast and it was lunch.

''I'll see you guys later.'' I started to get up but Piper interupted.

''Where are you going?''

''Back to my cabin. i'm not hungry.'' Everyone looked at me with shock.

''Percy not hungry? It's the end of the world!'' Leo said mockingly. I grumbled. I was a growing boy and I had to eat to keep my strength. Now that I think about, it made no sense I wasn't hungry now.

I headed to my cabin. I took a long shower and put on new clothes. I laid down to take a nap.I tossed and turned, but couldn't get comfortable. I felt a strange pull in my gut. I suddenly felt drawn to the forest. I walked out of the cabin, only to get stopped by Annabeth.

''Okay, What is up with you today?'' She said. You could tell she wouldn't buy the story I told everyone earlier.

''Uhh taking a walk. Catcha later.'' I said and walked away before she could respond. She cursed in ancient Greek, but didn't follow. I walked deep into the forest. I walked for what felt like a hour, but was probaly only five minutes (ADHD). I came upon a clearing and once again felt sleepy. What was happening? I sat down and fell asleep.

When I woke up I stood up and stretched. It was surprisingly comfortable to sleep on the ground. I yawned and thought 'I should be getting back now'. I turned around and what I saw made me do a double take.

I saw my sleeping body.


Who can guess who the girl from his dream is?

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