Fire and fights.

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Percy's POV:
I woke up feeling tired. You know how you wake up in the morning then feel like going straight back to sleep? This was like that.

  I got up and took a warm shower, then changed into shorts and a camp half blood tee. I started to walk to the dining pavilion. I hope no one noticed my odd behavior. Who am I kidding? Of course they noticed. How was I going to answer their questions? I don't even know the answer, and I can't tell them. I hated keeping this from them. It was a big deal. But I was so confused.

As I walked into the pavilion the talking stopped. Everyone stared at me as I walked to the table with Hazel, Frank, Jason, Leo, Piper, and Annabeth.

"Hey." I said nonchalantly. Everyone exchanged glances. They knew something was up, but it was probably the last thing they expected. I asked for Captain Crunch cereal and blue coke. Grover came over to sit with us (he had just got back this morning from his Lord of the Wilde duties). He gave me a bro hug.

"So how have you been Percy?" Grover asked.

"Good. You?"

"Eh. I've convinced more nature spirits to help out with cleaning up the wild." He sat down with us. He wasn't supposed to, but Mr. D wasn't here this morning and Chiron didn't mind as much. Annabeth cleared her throat.

"So Percy, What did you do last night after the game?" Annabeth asked trying to look uninterested, but failing.

"Sleep and stuff." I tried not to look nervous. I had never been good at lying, especially to my friends. She nodded, but by the look in her face said she knew I was lying.

"Hey Perce, why have you been spending so much time in the woods lately?" Piper questioned. Oh I see. They're interrogating me. I looked her in the eye.

" Talking. The squirrels are great listeners." I said very seriously.

Leo started cracking up, but stopped after the glare Annabeth gave him.

"Percy, tell us the truth!" She yelled at me, drawing everyone's attention.

"Annabeth I just-" I began, but cut myself off. What could I say? She looked enraged. And I couldn't blame her.

"YOU JUST WHAT, PERCY? YOU'VE BEEN SO DISTANT LATELY, AND YOU WONT EVEN TELL ME WHY!" She screamed. I was very aware of everyone staring at us.

"I'm sorry." I said then hopped out of my seat and ran off into the woods like a wimp.

-Time skip-

I was wandering around the woods. I was lost, not physically but mentally. I was confused. I had just a sort of fight with Annabeth.

But most of all, I was mad. Mad that this happened to me. Just when things were starting to look up, I found out I was the Avatar. I screamed in frustration and threw my hands up into the air. Then I felt a tingling in my hands.

Fire shot out of my hands into the sky.

Grover POV:
-back to when Percy left breakfast-

Percy ran out of the pavilion. Everyone just stood there for a moment. No one knew what to do.

"I'll go get him." I said. Annabeth looked like she was about to object, but thought better of it. She wasn't the best person to go talk to him right now, since the fight had been with her. They might just get into another fight.

I raced into the woods. Thankfully, my empathy link with Percy made it easier to locate him. Especially since he was In a bad mood. I followed his emotions until I came upon the area where he was. It took awhile, he was very deep in the woods. I heard an enraged scream and was about to go talk to my angry best friend. I walked behind him and was about to speak when something unexpected happened.

Percy shot fire out of his hands.

My mouth fell open


Percy's POV:

I heard someone say my name behind me and I turned to face them. I saw a shocked Grover standing with his mouth open and his eyes wide in surprise.

"Grover, I can explain," I said.

"B-but how? I thought you could only control water." I ran my hand through my hair.

"Well, you see, I uhhhhhh."

" your not doing a good job of explaining." Grover said, getting over his shock.

"G-man, do you know how there are stories of bending nations with bunches of people who could control one element specific to their culture? And how they made a tv show based off of it?" I said. Grover looked at me strangely.

"Where are you going with this?"

"I'm saying they're not just stories. They're true. They're used to be bending nations. But then they disappeared and everyone forgot they even existed."

"Percy, if you're pranking me-" Grover started.

"I'm not pranking you. I've never been more serious in my entire life." I looked him dead in the eye to let him know I wasn't kidding. He looked at me and I could tell he believed me.

"Alright, Perce. I believe you. But that still doesn't explain how you just shot fire out of your hands."

"Think about it Grover." I said patiently. Realization dawned in his eyes.

"If the benders are real does that mean the Avatar is real? And since you can control water and I just saw you bend fire, does that mean-"

"Yeah, G-man. I'm the Avatar."


Sorry it took me so long to update. And sorry for the crappy ending. Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

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