UGH. Poison

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Percy's POV:

        My eyes fluttered open and I could tell I hadn't slept that long. It felt strangely hot in the cabin and my shirt was soaked with sweat. I tried to stand up and head to the bathroom, but a wave of nausea hit me and I sat back down. My head started hurting when I tried to stand up. I was suddenly aware of weak feeling in my limbs; they felt lead and were weighing me down. My lips felt feverish as I groaned in pain. I don't get sick often and had felt fine earlier, so why was I now feeling like puking my guts out? I had never felt this type of sickness before.

         I tried to stand up again and succeeded to do so by leaning against the bedpost. I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom, fully aware that my knees were about to give out. As I entered the bathroom, I threw up all over the floor and sank to my knees. It felt as if cats were clawing at my throat while I drank lemon juice. The bile smell made my nose coil in disgust. I breathed in heavily as my thoughts swam in my brain. My headache increased with the amount of coughing I was currently doing. I drowsily moved to get a towel to clean up the mess. Bad Idea. My arm fell against the floor as I fell sideways. The pain was throbbing from every part of me and I was gasping for breath.

         Then I heard it. A voice that sounded like chimes but sounded as deadly as a demon. It was obviously female, but I had never heard it before.

"There, there Percy, don't struggle. The pain will be over soon." The voice said with a cruel mirth.

I tried to turn and look at her, but I failed abd gagged some more. As I gagged blood dripped from my throat onto the floor. The pain was unbearable, like a knife being mercilessly dragged down my throat.

"Who........" was all I managed to get out. She merely chuckled.

Black spots speckled my vision. I couldn't fight it much longer. I tried to look at her one last time. I saw a silhouette of a woman peering at me from the bathroom door.

"Hush, little Avatar. Just let the poison do it's work" she whispered.
I tried to say something, but then darkness surrounded me.

-----------------LINE BREAK---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I felt cool metal pressing into my back. I tried to open eyes but found it to still be black. Blindfold. to add on to that my mouth was gagged and my hands tied behind my back and my feet were also tied together. I heard faint whispers close by and the soft rustling of clothes. I heard someone walk towards me, their footsteps echoing throughout the room. I felt someone roughly yank my arm and pain erupted in my head. 

''Be careful. We don't need him blacking out.'' a voice called out. Wait, that was the voice from earlier.

The woman who had yanked me up forced me to kneel on my knees. Though I couldn't see, I could tell from the way everything echoed that the room was pretty large. My blindfold was removed and I squinted to see the room. 

The room was dark with a red tint. It looked like a throne room and ,as I suspected, quite large. There was a small platform right in front of me where one man and one woman stood. I could tell by her posture and prideful face that the woman was in charge. I looked at her face. She looked no older than 25 and was good-looking. she was fairly tall and had auburn hair. Her skin was tan and she was lean. Her eyes weren't exactly cold and heartless, but her gaze still made me falter in the glare I was sending her way. Her blue eyes were calculating and intelligent, taking in everything they saw. Her companion was a man in a black combat suit and held a gun in his hand. He stood stiffly, as if ready to obey any order at a seconds notice. He had sandy blond hair and dark eyes. A huge scar ran down his cheek, but it didn't look like it was from a blade.

The room itself had walls made of some type of metal and the lights were... torches (A bit cliche if you ask me). The walls were 20 feet high (about 6.1 meters) and the floor was also made of metal. There were two large banners behind the woman that had a symbol of a red flower of some sort.

''This place is really weird.......and where exactly is 'this place'?'' I thought. The woman on the platform cleared her throat and I my eyes landed on her.

''Hello Perseus.'' she said in a dangerous tone.

''Who'' I gasped out. My throat still felt like sandpaper and made speaking near impossible. She smiled in a 'your ignorance is amusing to me' way.

''In due time Perseus. In due time.'' she said. ''As for now, wouldn't you like to learn a bit more about yourself?'' 

I looked at her confusedly. Learn more about myself? What didn't I know? Well, anything can happen in the world of the demigods.

''Whaaa....?'' I said smartly. She looked at me as if she had already anticipated my answer.

''I figured as such. Before we begin, let me tell you about the Lotus legacies.'' 


So I have decided to take a different route with this story than I originally thought. I lost my desire to continue this story for a few weeks but now have an excellent idea for a plot. I will be updating more frequently. In fact, I plan to update again either on Friday or Saturday?

The Legend of PercyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora