AN (and irrelevant oneshot)

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While I try to stay away from these as much as possible (because every reader dreads them), I want to get some of my readers opinions. Where do you want this story to go? What type of story line do you imagine when you hear the words " Percy Jackson, the avatar". This fanfiction is not just for my own personal enjoyment, but readers too. I not saying I will use the suggestions, but I want to know what you want to see in this story. You can either comment or message me, or just ignore this AN and wait for me to post again.

Oh, and so this is not a complete waste of your time, I've written a quick, little oneshot for you! Enjoy!


Never let Percy and Leo cook. Ever. That's how they all ended up standing in the freezing cold snow, in pajamas, watching the Fire Department examine the charred cabin.

You see, Leo had came up with the idea that the seven and Nico needed a little bonding time after the war. So he decided to rent a cabin at a campground in Wisconsin (how did he ever get this type of money?) and insisted that they all spend the week there. Nobody had the heart to tell him no. Well, except for Nico, who had been forced to come by Hazel.

Now it had turned out to be quite fun, as they actually got to spend some time together as normal teenagers. Nico joined in on some of the activities (and secretly enjoyed them). It was all great.

Until today.

---One hour ago----

Annabeth, Hazel, Piper, Nico, Frank, and Jason had been watching a comedy movie for the past hour when they realized that it was awfully quiet. There had not been any noise (except for their laughter) for the past thirty minutes. Then they had another realization, Percy and Leo were not in the room.

"They've been extremely quiet for the past half hour. What do you think they're doing.'' Piper asked.

"Probably something stupid.'' Annabeth replied. Frank chuckled.

"You have so much faith in them" Nico mumbled.

"You know I'm kind of concerned. Who knows what crazy idea they could come up with'' Jason said.

"I'm sure they're fine.They are perfectly capable of handling themselves.'' Hazel said.

Just as the words left her mouth a crash came from the kitchen. Then they hear someone yell ''OH CRAP!''. They all jolted up.

"What was that?'' Piper asked.

"Oh no.'' Annabeth mumbled.

They all ran to the kitchen to see Percy and Leo covered in salsa and argueing. There was salsa all over the walls and raw beef splattered on the floor. It appeared that they had been in the process of making tacos.

"Why do we have to use blue taco shells?!'' Leo shouted.

"It improves it!'' Percy shouted back.

"But the only thing different about them is that they're blue!''



"If there's no difference why are you so upset about using them?'' Percy asked. Leo opened his mouth to respond, then a confused look came across his face.

"....Why am I so upset about using them?'' Leo mumbled. He then exploded into laughter and Percy followed his lead. Soon they were both rolling on the floor with laughter.

The rest of the seven just stood in the doorway with confusion and slight horror on their faces.

"What. In. Hades.'' Jason mumbled.

Percy and Leo stopped laughing and turned to look at them. Then they exploded into laughter again.

"You guys should see your faces right now!'' Percy said in between laughs.

"Yeah, priceless!'' Leo agreed while wiping a tear from his eye.

"How are we even friends with them?'' Piper asked exasperatedly.

"Oh, be quiet. I'm dating one of 'em.'' Annabeth sighed.

Then it got even worse. The oven suddenly exploded into flames.

"LEO!'' PIper shouted.

"Sorry that happens when I get excited. I'll put it out." Leo said.

"I can put it out-" Percy offered but Leo shook his head.

"Trust me I got this." Leo said. Percy looked at him warily.

Leo suddenly shoot a ball of fire at the oven, making the fire spread to the entire kitchen.

"LEO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Annabeth shouted and Leo flinched.

"Well, in English class they said two negatives make a positive, so I figured that I could shoot fire at the fire to put it out. Now that I say it out loud I realize that it sounds really stupid." Leo said sheepishly.

The faucet exploded, effectively putting out the fire and soaking everybody in the room. Everyone turned to look at Percy.

"What? You all were just shouting at Leo, so I figured I'd put out the fire before it spreads." Percy shrugged.

"That was actually pretty smart, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said while nodding in approval.

Then they heard sirens.

"Great, somebody called the Fire Department. How are we going to explain this?'' Hazel mumbled.

"We'll think of something.'' Frank assured her.

'Great. More people,' Nico thought.

------Current time-----

The Fire Department lett them off with a warning, but they were still going to have to pay to repair the kitchen.

After this little incident, Percy and Leo were never let back in the kitchen. Ever. 


I have a headcannon where Leo and Percy are really good friends and pullpranks together. I just love that, don't you? Anyway, I will try to update the story ASAP. Farewell until then.

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