**Okay okay wait a second**

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Um... Hi

So I haven't updated this fanfic for approximately 1000 years and I've literally just got back on wattpad and BAM 

I did NOT realise it was this... popular? Liked? idek

But seriously it made me feel reallly happy and also bloody guilty because I left you guys hanging

So first off:



Secondly, I have a confession to make:

I don't ship Harmione any more 

//please dont throw rocks at me//

Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE Harry Potter - buuuuuut Harmione doesn't get my shipper heart racing anymore

tbh i actually think i might be slowly starting shipping drarry (ik ik its terrible)

So I don't think I have the kinda... passion ?? to write this thing anymore

which makes me really bloody sad because the reactions you guys had to this shitty thing are so damn nice like wow they made my day

But I feel like I'd rather write fanfics based on my other fandoms and otps (newtmas and phan mainly ehehe im gay ship trash tbh)

Plus the writing style of this thing makes me cringe so much, looking back on it - and the whole storyline and stuff ^.^;;

But all self-criticism aside, I'm not sure whether I should continue this?? Maybe I will in the future but I need time to think (however, despite saying that, would love love to continue it - I JUST NEED TO FIND TIME)

Thanks for not hating on me for being a shitty writer/updater ;w;

- Anna <3

More Important Things - A Harry x Hermione FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now