Chapter Three - Heartbreak and Hope

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Hermione's P.O.V


Word got round quickly that Harry and Ginny had broken up. Of course, Hermione was sad for them, and horrified when she found out what the argument had been about, but couldn't help feeling a tiny thrill of glee deep inside her.


Hermione was developing a crush on her best friend.

She'd noticed it happening for a while now, after some time she realised there was no point in denying it. It was hard to cope with, seeing him with Ginny all the time. And then there was Ron...

Hermione knew he'd be outraged if he ever found out about her feelings towards Harry. She didn't want to hurt him, though she thought after Harry and Ginny broke up, there might be some way...

But of course, it didn't work out like that. Nothing ever did.

Hermione was walking along the grounds. She'd heard about the argument, and was desperately searching for Harry. Finally she heard his voice.

Following the sound, she anxiously headed towards the Forbidden Forest. Where was he?

There! Hermione sighed in relief and headed towards him eagerly. But then she stopped.

He seemed to be talking to someone. Hermione's heart sank as she realised it was Romilda Vane.

Oh God, she thought. They're standing really close. Surely not...

And then they were kissing. Hermione stood and stared as Harry and Romilda's lips touched. Jealousy and misery hit her with the force of a rock. And then the tears came. They streamed down her face in rivulets as she ran back to the castle, stumbling over tree roots and rocks. She reached the common room and staggered up to the dormitory. Thankfully, it was empty. She threw herself down onto her bed and cried her heart out.

Harry hadn't chosen her. He'd chosen Romilda.

10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Hastily, wiping her eyes, Hermione picked herself up off the bed and walked slowly to the door. She opened it and there stood... Harry?

She just stood there, staring at him in shock. She hadn't expected him as a visitor!

"Oh! Harry! Um... Hi, what-are-you-doing-here?" Hermione said shrilly, stumbling over her words.

To her surprise, he seemed awkward to. After hesitating for a few seconds, he started to speak, very fast - as if he were embarrassed.

"Erm.... Well you see Hermione, um, well...." He shook his head, then began again. "Can I come in?"

Hermione nodded mutely, blushing to the roots of her bushy brown hair. If only it was sleek and dark like Romilda's... Or flaming red like Ginny's.... Then she might stand a chance.

"Um... I kind of snogged Romilda Vane," Harry confessed, bringing Hermione out of her thoughts. She dug her nails into her hands. So it hadn't all been a horrible nightmare.

"Oh um... Great?" Hermione stammered. "I-I mean... I'm sorry about Ginny, but if you've found s-someone... Someone e-e-else... That's um, ok?" Each word came with the feeling of a sharp knife-like pain stabbing into her chest.

Harry half smiled. "Thanks Hermione... But it's not that simple."

Hermione stared at him. "W-what do you mean?" She said, confused.

He sighed, running a hand through his thick black hair. "I mean, I don't... Like her. Do you get what I'm saying? It's... I was... It was only comfort kissing. Nothing more." He finished, looking down at his feet.

"But... Why are you telling me this?" Hermione asked, mixed emotions making her blunt.

Harry avoided her gaze. "There's another thing... When me and Romilda... Er, kissed, I thought I... I thought I heard you crying. And then I thought I saw you running back to the castle. W-was it you?"

Hermione stood stock still, shock and panic coursing through her veins. No, no, he couldn't find out... He just couldn't.

"What makes you think it was?" She snapped, ignoring the fact it was a stupid question. "Why would I be upset about you and that Romilda? You think I'd care that much?! I don't revolve around you H-Harry!"

By the time she'd finished there were tears streaming down her face again. She turned away from Harry, expecting him to storm out in anger. But no.

Instead Hermione heard footsteps behind her, and suddenly strong arms enfolded her, leading her towards the bed...

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