Chapter 1 - Mystery

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Light filtered through the curtains of Harry's bed as he awoke in the Gryffindor boys dormitory. He sighed happily. He was back, in the place he called home, for his last year at Hogwarts School of WitchCraft and Wizardry. He coudn't help grinning as he remembered his best friend Ron's reaction when Professor McGonagall had told them they were to return for their 7th year.

"Naturally, you'll be returning to Hogwarts to sit your final year, and of course take part in your N.E.W.Ts," Professor McGonagall said, adressing the 7th years. There was an angry murmur of voices. "That's not fair!" Ron protested. "We've already experienced half the stuff we're going to do in our exams, Professor!" 

McGonagall glared at the class. "You all know full well you haven't learnt anything this year, and your N.E.W.T. results will go towards your future careers. Be aware, Mr Weasly - if you do not take this year seriously you'll be training trolls in the dungeons for your job!"

Harry looked across at Ron. He was asleep, along with the rest of the dormitory. Harry thoughts flickered to his other best friend: Hermione Granger. She been delighted when McGonagall had annoucned they wold be taking 7th year. Harry couldn't help smiling at the thought of her. Hermione....


Ron's voice interrupted Harry's thoughts. He shook himself, furious for daydreaming about his best friend. 

"You finally awake then?" Harry asked Ron, sitting up in bed. 

Ron yawned. "Seems like it," he said. "Wanna go down to breakfast? I'm starving." 

Harry nodded. "Sure."

They got changed and started heading down to the Great Hall. On the way, they met Hermione and Ginny. 

"Hey," Harry said to Ginny, kissing her gently on the forehead, slipping his arms around her. Wolf-whistles and jeers told him that Slytherins were walking past. Ginny winced visibly. Harry hated them for doing thing to her; he glared at their retreating backs as Ron and Hermione kissed behind him. 

As they reached the Great Hall, Harry realised there was something wrong with Hermione. She looked tired and.... sad. It hurt him deeply to see her like that. 

I'll talk to her later, he decided. 

However it became apparant to him that Hermione might not be the only who was unsettled. Ginny seemed quieter than usual, hanging her head when people pointed openly at her. 

As Harry opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, she looked straight at him.

"Harry... Can I talk to you after breakfast? You have a free period, right?" she asked, almost hesitantly. 

"Sure," Harry replied, bewildered to why she sounded almost... scared. 

The gang ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. As soon as Harry put down his knife and fork, Ginny grabbed his hand and led him out of the crowded Hall, and up the stairs into an unused classroom.

"So, Ginny..." Harry began, unsure of what to say. "What's wrong?" 


What will happen next? Remember to +vote and follow ;D 


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