Chapter 5 - Blackmail and Abandonment

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Harry's P.O.V. 

CRAP! NO! Why me?! 

He looked at the door in horror as Romilda disappeared out of it. 

She's going to tell everyone! Oh god, no! I've got to stop her!

Just as he was about to race out the door, he remembered - 

"Hermione!" he gasped, realising she had been Stunned. He looked again at the door, then at his crumpled best friend. 

Hermione.... Or Romilda?

I have to go and stop Romilda. Hermione will be ok for a bit... 

Without a backwards glance, he ran out of the door after Romilda.

Hermione's P.O.V. 


Ugh this is so FRUSTRATING! I can hear what's going on, but I can't move!

Romilda must have Stunned me... It's like being in a coma! 

But Harry knows the counter curse, he'll help me.


Wait - footsteps! He's not... no, he couldn't be...

He's gone after Romilda. 

And left me here.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Hey! Romilda! WAIT!"  

Harry saw dark curly hair whip out of sight into a very familiar door...

The Room of Requirement!  

 Sprinting now, Harry raced down the corridor and grabbed the handle of the heavy brass door just before it disappeared. Wrenching it open, he slipped inside and slammed it shut after him. 

 He stared around his surroundings. He was in a large, circular room - almost like a turret room in a castle. It was decorated in beautiful red drapes of velvet, and the comfy looking four poster bed had a deep red quilt. There were windows too, and although in reality they would show the view of the corridors of Hogwarts, sunlight streamed through them, casting rainbow-streamed light on the room. 


His voice echoed around the room. Suddenly he saw something move behind a shelf of what looked like love potions. 

Romilda stepped out from behind the shelf, her eyes red with tears as she glared at him. 

"Came after me then, did you? Realised I'd be annoyed after you cheated on me with that ugly bookworm?" she cried, her voice shrill and dramactic. 

"Look, Romilda, calm down. I'll make it up to you, just don't tell anyone. Hermione hates that sort of publicity, it'll kill her. Just don't tell anyone! I'll do anything!" Harry promied wildly, not even sure what he was saying. 

Romilda's angry expression was replaced by a sly and cunning smirk. "Oh, anything, you say?" 

"Um... Yes?" 

"Right. Ok. I promise I won't tell anyone... Though in return, I want you to meet me here, in this room, every night, at 11 pm." 

Harry looked at her. "Sure... But, why?" he asked uncertainly. 

Romilda stepped closer to him. "You know what I want Mr. Harry Potter," she whispered. "You know what I've always wanted. I want you."

Her voice... It's so captivating, so beautiful... 

But, Hermione! 

Romilda can't tell the whole school about me and Hermione. 

I need to go along with this. 

Harry leaned in to kiss her, when she pulled away. "Hey... Where are you going?" he asked, disappointed - for now he understood why Romilda was so popular with boys in her year.

"Oh, just getting something," she said, her voice smooth and flirty. 

She appeared holding a glass of deep red liquid. 

"Drink up," she whispered silkily. 

"What is it?" Harry asked, lifting the glass. 

Romilda laughed. "Firewhisky... with a special ingredient." 

Smiling at her laugh, Harry downed the drink in one. Little did he know that it was very, very strong Firewhisky - mixed with something from Romilda's shelf. 

An unknown feeling came over Harry, as sudden as a flash of lightning. Gazing at Romilda, she seemed like the most beautiful, gorgeous girl he'd ever seen - 10 times better than that Hermione. 

Harry grabbed her and pulled her toward him, kissing her passionately. Romilda smiled and dragged him closer to her. Stumbling over eachother's feet, Harry glimpsed the bed - the four poster bed - coming closer and closer, until he remembered no more. 

Hermione's P.O.V.

//The next day//

Dear Diary,

In the end, it wasn't Harry freed me from the Stunning Spell - it was Ginny Weasley. She was very nice about it, and didn't ask me any awkward questions. But I think that was mostly because she's still so upset about Fred. George came to visit her today, to try and cheer her up. It didn't really work, seeing as he's practically broken into pieces himself. I caught him crying by Fred's grave. I tried to comfort him but... It was pretty pointless. 

I've been really distant with Harry lately. He's been acting strange. I reckon he still feels guilty about Fred... We all do. And the other thing is he hasn't said anything about going after Romilda, or our kiss. The school hasn't been gossiping so I'm guessing Harry persuaded her not to tell anyone.

It's how he did it I'm worried about.

A/N: Sorry for the wait! Hope to upload the next chapter quicker :3 Thanks for reading  - and if you liked it please +1!  

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