Chapter 2: Lets start over

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"Stop trying to mend the broken mirror. For goodness sake Elle let go of the guy cause i'm pretty sure he doesn't care" Jen said as she swiftly moved around the kitchen, trying to make brownies.

"Brad has always cared and i'm sure he still does. He's just blinded by her but I know deep down he loves me" Noelle replied.

"Loves you? Huh! I guess you don't know how it feels like to be loved. Bradley loves but once you stop loving him he goes ahead and loves someone else"

"No Jen, there is supposed to be a little spark between us like last year"

Jen mixed her batter with impatience. "Listen Elle, i hate it when you whine over a guy or when you date the wrong guy, like Terrance"

Noelle sighed and stood up just to get her friend's attention. Jen turned and rolled her eyes.

"Trying to get my attention again. What now?" She asked.

"He called last night, but I didn't respond. I think I knew what he was gonna say" Noelle said.

"Did he leave a voice message? At least something to tell you why he called, the selfish son of a b*tch wouldn't call unless it would benefit him"

Noelle laughed and looked away. She tried to keep calm but deep inside she was hurting.

"He said 'I miss you Ellie. You have no idea how much i'm dying to hear your voice. I just want you near me' and then he said I should call him but I don't think I will"

Jen could hear the sadness in Noelle's voice. She wanted to comfort her but at the same time she wanted to cuss Terrance. After all she blamed him for her heart break. She poured the batter into a pan and placed the pan in the oven. She quickly went to sit next to her friend and comfort her.

"No no Elle. You still love him, i know you do. And he's preventing you from moving on with a better more caring guy. Elle you should be angry, you should be hating this guy. He humiliated you in public by kissing that snobbish girl. He doesn't deserve you"

Noelle wiped the tear on her cheek. "I guess you're right. Its time to move on now. I've been holding onto the past too much and i just have to let go" she said.

Jen stood up and applauded. "Exactly!" She shouted. "Two words, six letters, easy to say but hard to do: MOVE ON!"

"And by move on you mean Nicholas Zelton right?"

Jen smirked. "Arg no...well maybe just maybe"

"No Jen. He's too much of a pretty boy. Poetry, good looks, he's just perfect!"

"That's cause you don't know his past! He doesn't have a clean record but its better than Terrance's record. He won't hurt you and he won't let his ex come between you, trust me. He wont move on a few weeks after you guys break up, what i'm trying to say is when Nick loves, he loves for real"

Noelle laughed. "Why didn't you just sing that?"

"Pssht! You know my mom loves her windows, she'll kill me"

"Speaking of your mom killing you, make sure you don't burn those brownies. You know how crazy your mom can get over her brownies" Noelle chuckled.

Jen patted her on the back. "You out of all people should know that I'm a professional. I don't mess up when it comes to baking"

"And you out of all people should know that i'm not into pretty boys, not when people like Ashely and Nancy still exist" Noelle replied.

"Forget about those good-for-nothing twins. Its all about money and the hottest football player or the best singer. Poetry is something they don't understand. You and Nick have that in common. A chapter to you isn't just a chapter. Same applies to Nick. A piece of paper with writing isn't just a piece of paper, its ART Elle. You understand and love your art and so does he. Its easier for him to understand you. You didn't have such a connection with Terrance"

Noelle smiled. Only Jen understood her and her "Art" but she wasn't so sure about Nick. All sorts of questions ran through her head like "What if he was the same or what if his behaviour would change in the middle of their relationship" but most of all she worried about Nancy and Ashely.

Noelle and Ashely were best friends in primary until Ashley's mother got a high paying job. Her behavior towards Noelle changed and she thought she was better than her. In the first year of high school she met Nancy, who she thought was the perfect best friend.

Nancy had a history with Terrance and hated Noelle for being the apple of his eye, but Noelle didn't see it that way. She felt that Terrance belonged to Nancy because they both acted the same way.

"If Art is what it takes for us to notice how 'good we are for each other' then I guess we have to try and hang out more often" Noelle said.

"Finally!" Jen shouted as she spun around the kitchen. "Oh thank you Lord for finally opening her eyes! Look on the bright side, if you don't like him you can easily leave him, before you fall deeply in love"

Noelle was prepared to try her luck with Nick. If she didn't like him she would leave but little did she know that Terrance had begun messing up her chances.

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