20. Not without me

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One week later

Janie's POV

I was cooking in my kitchen. I lived in a small apartment in Toronto by myself. I really was lonely and I felt bad. I mean I didn't mean for what happened with Abel to happen, but I couldn't control myself.

After he was released from the facility he left without a trace and I hadn't seen him. I hadn't seen Sophia either thank god.

She threatened to kill the both of us and after I looked her up I found out exactly who she was. She was the daughter of a man who had been with the mob since the 60's. An Italian who'd do jobs for her father.

My God I really fucked up. I didn't even have Abel.

I ate my food and put my plate in the sink.

"Janie?..." I turned around to see who it was who called me.

"Who's there?" I said. I looked around.

I heard the sound of high heels coming towards me and then when the light was on her fully I saw Sophia and two other women.

Sophia was wearing a black body suit with a full length fur coat and a gold watch. She had black shades on and the other two women had bandanas on their faces. One of them was wearing a cropped hoodie, black leggings and timbs. The other was wearing a regular black hoodie and black skinny jeans with vans.

"Sophia?" I said looking up and down at her. "What are you... Get out of my house Now!"

One of the girls next to her laughed. The one with black curly hair laughed and elbowed her.

"Hey princess look... she think she running something . You don't run shit homewrecker!"

"I see queenie." Sophia said to the girl. " Janie you'd better have a seat. There's things that we must discuss."

"I will do no such thing! Leave my apartment before I call the police!"

"With what phone?" The other girl standing next to Sophia held up my phone. I'd left it on my charger and I guess they took it. "You're a disrespectful cunt of a woman." She said to me as she walked closer.

"Wait a second Nik. Wait." Sophia said to the girl. "Come back over here." The girl who's name was Nik or something followed Sophia's orders. "Please janie. Sit and talk with me."

Sophia sat down and removed her fur. She took out a gun and place it on the table. "See this?" She said.


"Well sit down and...don't make me use it."

I sat down at my table. Sophia smiled at me. "I wanna know why you fucked my fiancee Janie."

"I'm sorry I'm very s-"

"Shut the fuck up! I know you're sorry bitch! You're sorry and weak! That's not what I asked I said why in the fuck did you think you could fuck my fiancee!"

"I...I honestly don't know. He was so... convincing."

"Convincing...? " she started to laugh. "You hear that girls? My man convinced her to fuck him! Wow Janie you make it sound like you had nothing to do with it. Yet when I walked in your office you were hoping all on his dick were you or were you not?"

I didn't say anything. I felt the cold steel swing across my face. I screamed in pain.

"Nik turn on the radio! Turn it up loud."

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