22. Together again

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Sophia's POV

2 am

(Everyone is still out at the club, Sophia is in Abel's hotel room)

"Sing it again."

"Abel... no. I'm not the singer anyways-that's you."

"I like the way you sing Sophie."

I was laying on the floor with Abel. He had his arms around me as we sat up against the bed, looking out at the beautiful views of Italy. You know I can't say that I knew what I was doing. I mean I shouldn't even be here with him right now, but I really did love this man.

He hugged me tighter and rocked me in his arms.

"Come....on..." he whined.

"Oh mio amore ti prego, non piagnucolare. ( Oh my love please don't whine.)"

"What'd you say?"

"Ah...so you've been studying, but not that hard I see. I thought you'd get that, that one was easy."

"What'd you say?"

"I said knock off the fucking whining." He laughed and me and pulled me on to his lap.

"Mmm... Sophia I missed you so much."
He rested his head against my cleavage.

"Ughh... move." I giggled as he laid there.

"No. I'm resting."

"You're so stupid." I laughed.

"Sing the song..."

"Mmm...fine!" I cleared my throat.

"When a moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie

That's amore

When the world seems to shine like you've had too

much wine

That's amore"

"Sing it again..."

"Fuck outta here." I laughed.

I mushed his head away from me and he came back only to put me on the ground and get on top of me. "It's not happening." I said playing with his beard.

"I said... sing it again."

I grabbed his hair and looked into his eyes.

"Mmm mmm." I grunted as I looked up at him. He knew I meant no.

"Mmm mmm? What you mean mmm mmm?"

I dragged my finger across his lips back and forth.
"Mmm mmm. No more talking baby."

"No more talking?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"No more talking."

"What do you mean?" He ran his hands down my sides.

"I mean, shut the fuck up and kiss me."

"Fuck.. I'm trying to be a gentleman, Sophia. You're gonna make me-"

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