chapter 33

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i exited the house and went oppasit to see if zak was there.i knocked on the door.

"hey zak"

"oh my god kaylee are you ok"

"yeah i sure am"i said.aaron came round the corner clapping slowly.

"well god dam,i never thought a posh girl like you could fight like that"he said while laughing.

"well maybe vegas has changed me abit"

"abit come on where did you learn that"

"i dont know but i know one thing i wouldnt of had a cat in hells chance of getting out of there if it wasnt for you guys especially zak"zak was shocked by my remark.


"yeah you baby,you have given me courage to do this"

"oh come here you big softy"

"i love you"

he cradled me in his arms slowly swaying side to side while resting his chin on my head.i really dont know what i could of done without him.

"thankyou so much baby"

"kaylee its fine you needed me and i need you"

"ok..ok"my eyes slowly closed and i fell in his arms.i wasnt sure whether i had blacked out or fallen asleep.

zaks p.o.v

ok this is weird kaylee just kept reapeating ok but each time getting quiter till barely a whisper...then she fell into my arms...she was breathing but still...was she tired...blacked out...anything i dont know what to do.i called billy who is good with first aid.


"hey bill"

"yo zak wats up man"

"look i need you to come to the lockdown location now"

"why whats wrong"

"kaylee collapsed i dont know if shes sleeping fainted idont know just hurry bill i need you"

"ok ill be ten minuets im getting ready now"

"what shall i do for now"

"uhh take her inside put your jacket over her rest her head on your lap and just keep her still and warm be carefull when moving here get someone to help"

" ok thanks alot bill hurry"

"im on my g give me 20 minuets"

"kk bye"

"right bye"

i did as billy said me and aaron moved her into the front room and layed her gently down.i wrapped her up in my shirt .aaron lifted her into my arms so i could keep her supported.i rocked her back andforth while slowly stroking her face with my hand.god i hope shes ok...were are you bill.i herd the door open and billy ran inside...

"billy thankgod your here"

"its ok she's blacked out...what was she doing here tonight anyway"

"she wanted to confront her kow what its a long story but she came out and was acting really wierd like shaking uncontrolably and she kept telling me she loved me and that it was me who gave her the most courage and then she just fell into my arms..."

"ok was she scared before she went to them you know alert and acting strong"

"yeah she was abit"

"right well whats happened between her and her mum"

'they allways argued and her mum beat her so she went to go confront her but didnt give anything away about me or the plan ill show you the footage later...we said if she went there then she had to have a hidden camrea and a mic so if she needed help we could be there which also explains why were here now"

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