chapter 45

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zak pulled me up of the floor.i think he to where shocked at the outcome of that.everybody was laughing at aaron as he still had the brown sludge all over his face.outwardly i was the same.laughing,joking and all around happy but inwardly i was screaming and crying.something was happening i mean how.i ask you to think back on all the past events of my life.i ask you to tell me what you think is going on and if you see a link.ok here goes.

1) i was driven to the burial celtic ground and then recived a talent of been able to read celtic

2) at that same time i was walking with a deer so mighty i was wondering why was it not a god,although the deer is a spiritual animal.

3) the move to vegas,not many people would leave there famlies wishing to never see them again-what gave me the curage after all i was beaten when i was a kid i should of been scared that she would find me and riun my new life.

4) that little music shop,what gave me the courage to talk to a man off zaks structer when on first glance he could pass as a hitman.

5) the island-how did i read celtic and find the swallows without the deer or the spirit there.the was so much blue stone that it should of been impossible to see them and why did they conect to the house,how did they get there

6)the phonecall-why all of a sudden was a shy and inferior to my mom

7)the plan of a family-i never wanted kids before but now i do 

8)the fight how did i take down my dad or even get the courage to go back to that house 

9) the battle combat practice-how did i take down thise guys-im smaller then zak,aaron and nick just over billy but even so how.

all these things i cant put down to idrenalin or luck.and they cant be paranormal.....can they

so i ask you again please tell me if you see a link between the events....

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