First Day New School

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Short Author's Note

This is gonna be a high school AU. It's definitely Petyr x Sansa so beware. I'm definitely writing smut for this. I absolutely love Petyr x Sansa. Fave. I've also never written smut before so forgive my inexperienced writing.

Anyways enjoy!


6:00am, I'm in bed, hair disheveled, covers mostly on the floor but still partially covering my legs since my parents have been known to walk in unexpectedly.
Time to shower. I'm exhausted.

As soon as I stand up, I walk over to the full mirror to assess the situation.

On top we've got I big mess of tangled red hair. Looking down a bit I've got bags under my eyes thanks to me not ever fixing my sleeping schedule.
I'm wearing a large soft blue t shirt, and no pants as usual for pajamas.
Time to get this mess under control.

I hop in the shower and think about what to wear..
By the time shampoo is rinsed out of my hair I've decided.

I'm inspecting my outfit in the mirror to be sure this is what I want. My hair looks a bit messy but on purpose, so it looks sexy. I'm wearing a black top that clings to my body to show my curves and some nice cleavage but not too much. And some grey skinny jeans. I'm also wearing a longish, two loop silver necklace, and small earrings.

Make up.

Just a bit of eye liner and a bit of blush and lipstick.

Not too bad. Could be better. But it's okay for now. It's only school.


Got my schedule, first class is..
Chemistry. Mr. Bolhofner.
Okay then.

It's my senior year of high school, thankfully, and my family moved away from where we used to live for some safety far far away. No need to indulge the past though. I have a map to memorize.

I get to first period and sit near the middle to back rows in a corner. As class filled in, the teacher followed. He was young looking, but also looked like he was really smart.
"Alright listen up!" He said. His voice is pretty smooth.

I managed to stay awake through the whole class, which was a surprise. He's actually a pretty cool teacher. He's chill, and he talks to us like adults not like children. I think I'll like this class.

Anyways, next is calculus, and art. After that is lunch.
So far, no new friends have been made. Most people just ignore me.

Until I'm in the lunch line, even though the food available looks like it might give you diseases and kill you, and this overly enthusiastic girl comes behind me and bumps into me.

"Oh hi, sorry I didn't see you there. My names Jane!"

"Cool, I'm Sansa. How ar-"

"I'm great! Do we have any classes together? That'd be just super!"

And it continued on like this until lunch was over. Eventually I zoned out and nodded a lot but she didn't seem to notice.

Finding my next class was pretty easy, US history with Mr. Boggess. He likes to shout as if no one can hear him in this tiny classroom. So far it's all textbook assignments but maybe it'll getr better.

The rest of the day drags on and eventually its 7th hour, finally one more hour and I can leave, two sessions of 30 minute, four parts of neat 15 minutes each and I'm gone, out the door.

Literature. Teacher, Mr. Baelish. I don't notice him come in, I'm sitting in the back as usual near a window. I look outside for most of the class and hear a few tidbits here and there about the class. I like his voice, its calming and just a teeny bit rough with the slightest accent mentioning some far away place.
With about 10 minutes left of class I look at the front of the class and catch the teacher staring at me. Everyone else has their heads buried in their textbooks doing work as he's speaking.
I look for his name. It's written on the board behind him.

Mr. Baelish

Since there's so little time between now and the Bell I don't bother trying to catch up, I look away from his stare and glance at the clock.


Time to go. I'm nearing the door and sneak one last look at Me. Baelish, and he's smirking at me.
I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. For a teacher. For someone possibly going on 30 years old.

This is gonna be a long year...

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