Chapter 4

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He waited until I was inside to drive off. 

He probably doesn't care, he's just doing his job. I crumple up the phone number and throw it under the bed.

I wasn't lying when I said no one was home. I had the house to myself until tomorrow morning. 

I sat down on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest, accepting that for the fist time in weeks, I am alone. 

I can feel the tears on my cheeks before I realize I'm crying. Hours later, tears staining my cheeks, and lightly snoring, I drift to sleep.


I'm stuggling, fighting something off, I can't see what. Hands grab my wrists, and suddenly the darkness goes away and I can see his face, looming over me like a shadow.

He's touching me, he won't stop touching me, I keep fighting his hands off, but he grabs my face.

He says if I don't give him what he wants, he'll kill my family...

He pushes his slobbering mouth against mine forcefully, I kicked him... oh no.... He slaps me and I fall over clutching my face. His smile drips with evil, "You're going to pay"

He's yelling at me, but I can't understand him over my own sobbing. Suddenly hands close over my throat, I can't breathe! I can't get away! I ... can't.. catch my breath....


I sit up clutching my throat and breathing hard, I struggle to calm down. 

Once I manage to steady my breathing, I lay down in bed and don't close my eyes again for the rest of the night. Every time I blink, I can see His eyes staring me down. 


The weekend came to a close and school started back up as usual. Routines unfolded, and lessons learned, homework done. 

Sansa sat in the back, often staring outside instead of paying attention, or doing coursework. Sometimes she would stare intently at me, as if trying to ask me a question, or catch a lie.

Days turned to weeks, turned to months. It was the middle of October when Sansa disappeared once more. I had just gotten used to her constant presence. The warmth she brought and the cold she felt. The distance in her eyes, but the presence in her body. I longed for her. 

Not being able to look at her caught me off guard. 

It's after a week and a half of her gone I get a phone call from an unknown number. 

Bored and tired at home on a Saturday evening, I wasn't expecting anyone, so I answered.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard her. She never spoke in class, but I instantly knew it was her. 

                       Realization hit.....

                                           She's crying.

"Sansa? What's wrong, what's happening?"

                                                                           "Please..... Help m-.........beeeeeeee"

The call was cut off. But I heard enough. I sprint to my car and drive off trying to remember her address. I called the number again, to no avail. Straight to voicemail. 

Finally I passed a recognizable house, and jumped out of the car. The front door was open. There were two cars in the driveway but the place looked abandoned. I checked the first bedroom. Empty. Looks like Sansa's. At first look, it's messy but it's not. There's been a struggle, broken mirror, glass shattered everywhere. She's been taken. I run to the other rooms. 

The next room has bunk beds and a twin bed. On each bed is a child, i rush to the girl on the twin bed. Young, almost ten...

                              no pulse. 

The two boys on each bunk look the same. Who could do this? 

                                                         I have to find Sansa.

I can hear something in the bedroom down the hall.. i look through the crack of the slightly open door, see two adults shot in the head, a bloody mess. And Sansa crying, with a weapon to her neck. 

Quietly as possible, I look around for something to strike with..

         In the boys' room, there was a baseball bat..

I silently walk back to the room and swing as hard as I can at the head of the man holding Sansa.... 

Just a boy... maybe a year older than Sansa herself... 

His limp body falls to the floor. 

Sansa gasps, frightened as the boy falls to the floor. She falls to her knees and turns to me, I drop the bat and kneel to her and hug her, pet her hair and shush her quiet sobbing. 

She whispers endless "thank you"s 

I pull out my phone and call the police. 


The police are on the lawn questioning Sansa, I'm standing close for support but can't hold her, or touch her. 

I heard shocked as she told the story of how she was home with her boyfriend to find them all dead and when the attacker threatened Sansa, oh so brave Joffrey went to her rescue and got hit instead of her. She looked at me in a way that said please go with it, with pleading eyes.

So I kept my mouth shut.

She didn't get a good look at the attacker after he killed poor, brave, resilient Joffrey, he ran. 

Just as he was finishing up telling the same story and how he heard gunshots and called the police and found Sansa running outside after the attacker had fled, a black Mercedes showed up and out stepped and older woman with long blonde curls yelling, "It's not true! Tell me it's not true! My Son!"

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