Close Encounter

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The next day of class is a drag.
The day is longer than expected and I find myself waiting for seventh period just to see her again.

Lunch comes and goes, and finally, I'm on the edge of my seat.

The bell rings.

She's not here.

Days pass with her absent, and then a week and a half pass before I think I imagined her entirely. But she's there, on my roster.

It's Friday, two weeks later, and I'm certain she's not coming back. She must have changed her schedule and the office hasn't sent any updates.

I'm sitting back in my seat waiting for the students to pile in so I can start the class.
They were supposed to study last night, and since they probably didn't there's a quiz. It's pretty basic stuff, all the other classes did alright.

I turn and start writing in the board, "Take out pencil, bags on the floor"

The bell rings, the class quiets down and I grab a stack of papers to pass out. When I look at my students I see her.

Sitting in the back near a window, her gaze turning towards me.
I manage to stay composes and start the class.

"Yes, there's a quiz. You'll do fine, if you studied like you were supposed to."

I was walking down the aisle where Sansa was and when I was near enough I whispered, "Don't worry about the quiz, but stay after class for me please." She gave a nod and stared out the window again.

"Alright, you can start when you get your packet, stay quiet and good luck."

Around 45 minutes later most of the class is done and the packets are stacked messily on my desk.

I sneak a few glances at Sansa throughout the class.

Her beauty is indescribable, but there's something else too. Deep sadness, its plain in her eyes. And scared. The slight movements of her shoulders and chest, her eyes yearning for outside. Escape.
A wounded bird getting ready for certain death.

Worry seeps in. Fuck. I care about her. I can't let this happen, she's my student.

The Bell rings and interrupts my thoughts. I yell over the clamber of students getting up and leaving, "Read the first chapter of your book and bring a summary on Monday!"

Sansa is still sitting, but looks different, she's composing herself. Hiding herself.

She puts on a smile that makes her eyes shine and I almost believe it.

"What happened, why were you gone for two weeks?" Concerned teacher, nothing more. Casual. Professional.

She responds in a smooth voice that takes me back to my childhood. Memories I haven't thought of for years.

She's Cat

Of course she's not Cat.. I get the thought out of my mind, but suddenly my chest burns and my scar tingles.

I push the thoughts away and focus on her.

"Some personal family matter, I'm sorry. I'll make up all the work."

There's a hint of greenish purple high on her cheek and I'm sure the crease on my face tells her I saw.

I reach for her hand and she startles and moves her hand, so I rest my palm on her desk.

"Is everything okay at home?"

Her eyes widen the slightest and less than half a second of fear shows, anyone else wouldn't have noticed.
She smiles wider and laughs off my worry as if the idea was absurd.

"Don't worry about me, I'm doing great. Just had to go out of town for a bit. What book are we reading for the summary?"

She's changing the subject. She's nervous.

I turn around and grab a copy of the small chapter book and pass it to her.

"Chapter one by Monday. Try to stay out of trouble?"

Smiles lightly and walks out the door. I see her check her watch and sigh, then she's out of sight.

I stay after class to get ready for Monday, gathering papers to grade, and lessons to plan. It's about half an hour after school ended I finally am ready to leave, its empty except for kids in clubs and sports.

I get in my car and drive off.

When I'm just around the corner to my house, I see bright auburn hair shining in the sun. Walking down the sidewalk.


She walked all the way here?
It's not that far to drive, but to walk would take an hour.

I slow and near my car to her, slowing stopping next to her, I roll down my window and call her name. She visibly jumps. Obviously lost in thought.

She turns and looks in the window, when she sees its me she relaxes a bit but is still very tense.


"Are you walking all the way to your house?"

She looks down at her feet and then back at me.

"I missed the bus."

I make my face look guilty, "I'm sorry. Do you want a ride?"

She looks hesitant, weighs her options and gets in.

She tells me which streets to turn on and I'm shocked to see how far she was planning on walking. At least another hour.

"That's a long walk." I note.

"It's okay, I'm in no rush to get home." She says nonchalantly.

Quickly realizing how that sounds she tries to save herself, "I mean, no ones home waiting for me or anything."

I nod, and look understanding.

She looks out the window, I put a hand on her shoulder, she doesn't scare as easily as before. She looks over and the bruise on her face is clearly more visible. I quickly look her over but she's wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt. There's a smaller bruise on her neck, not quite covered by her hair.

I look her in the eye and say, "If you feel unsafe, you're welcome to come stay with me, I want you to know that."

She smiles and moves her hair, "Why would you say that? Don't worry about me."

Trust me, I'm trying not to as much as I do.

I look ahead and keep driving. Fifteen minutes later we're outside her house.

I write down my phone number and hand it to her before she can leave.

"Call me if you need anything, okay? Promise me?"

She nods. "Thanks"

I see the first sincere smile on her face and its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

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