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I'm unsettled on the drive home. The whole time, since I saw her fiery red hair, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her pale skin, rosy cheeks, beautiful sad eyes, her radiance. She's shy and quiet.

She took my breath away.

I was caught off guard and had trouble regaining myself to teach the class. I have to have better control of myself, I'm a teacher for christ sake.

Once I'm home I take off my tie, unbutton a few things here and there, and I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of only one thing.

One person.



The bus ride home is long, hot and boring,. My classes were alright. Most of the teachers seemed nice enough. One teacher got all flustered when the students were filing in, that class might be entertaining.

I'm standing outside my house. There are three cars, one is my parents' car, the other I don't recognize, and the last... his.

Once I'm inside I wish I had run away.

"There you are darling!" says my mother. "Look who came to see you. And he got you a present, isn't that nice?" She looks at me with piercing eyes saying, behave.

"Oh thank you so much. You're too kind to me." I say gently.

He smiles his vile smile and I want to puke, but smile back, and he holds out this small box with a bow on it.
Small enough to fit in the palm of my hand.


Car keys, to the car parked outside.

"Is this really for me?" He tilts his head smiling wildly, "Of course, anything for you my Love." His words dripping with evil.

I smile back, wider to show my appreciation and make sure my eyes smile too, walk closer and hug him.
"I don't know how to thank you enough."

He allows the hug but whispers in my ear, "I know how." Each word dripping with lust, and plants a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"How about we go for a ride in your no car Sans?"

I look to my parents for help, but I can see the pain on their faces.

"Of course," I say with a smile, "lets go, Joffrey my love."

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