5 - nude nails and ditching prom dates

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May 28


Prom is in a matter of days, and I need to start practicing hair styles. I want a curled bun type thing. You know, typical prom hair.

Ill admit, I am pretty basic. I would do anything to fit in. I hate being an outcast.

I hopped in the shower, washing my hair and body. I let my hair air dry, since it drys pretty fast.

Once it was dried, I began curling every piece in tight ringlets, unlike my usual loose curls. Some pieces were tighter than others, which is the look I am going for. When it was all curled, I used my fingers to brush it out, making the curls looser.

"Aaliyah help me!" I called through the house. She came in a few moments later. "Do this." I showed her a picture on my phone. Aaliyah is really good at doing hair. I've taught her everything she knows. She's also good at cooking, something I have yet to make a skill.

She began messing with my hair, trying to copy the picture. When it was finished i had her take a picture and it looked really good. She left a few pieces of hair hang out around my face, which I liked.

"Can you do this for me on prom night?" I asked. She squealed and nodded.

(A/n: the picture attatched is of her hair. Except I picture it as Madison's hair color. A dark brown/black.)

I sent the picture to Emma, asking her opinion on it.

From Emma: AMAZING! Can't wait to see it in person!

I smiled, and began taking my hair down. Now to break in the heels I bought. I put them down on the floor I front of me, and slipped them onto my feet.

I did a few laps around my house, which did hurt my feet quite a bit. Beauty hurts like hell though, you just have to suck it up.

When they were broken in enough, I soaked my feet in hot water to make them stop hurting.

"I need to get my nails done." I murmured to myself. For someone who didn't get asked to prom, I am getting way to into this. Who am I even going to take pictures with?

Sighing, I slipped on flip flops and grabbed my phone and purse.

"I'm getting my nails done. Want to come?" I asked Jenna and Aaliyah who were sitting in the living room. They both nodded, because girls will be girls


Hello, three manicures and one pedicure ." I said to the front desk. The adorable Asian lady smiled at me. She looked like she was in her forty's or fifty's , but you can never really tell. "Are you guys sure you don't want pedicures?" I asked my family. They both nodded, and we followed the lady to tables in the back. We all sat down beside eachother, and three other workers came to do our manicures.

"Actually can I get my pedicure done first?" I asked. The lady nodded, bringing me over to the big massage chairs.

"Pick your toe color." She said, pointing to a big rack of nail polish. I chose a nude color, to keep it simple.

She began the process, so I pulled out my phone.

I had a message from the group chat.

From Sam: my date to prom just ditched me..


To GM: I'm getting my nails done soon so I may not answer but SAMMY IM SORRY! ):

From Sam: spencer I'm picking you up from Jenna's at 5 tonight. We are going to the park like old times

To GM: thanks for giving me the option but okay

I smiled to myself, and took a few snapchat selfies, sending them to Shawn. He hates when I spam him, but I do it anyways. Just to be annoying.


"Your nails look so good!" Aaliyah said enthusiastically, admiring my nude colored nails. On my ring finger, I had silver glitter. My toes were all nude colored.

"Yours too!" I said with just as much enthusiasm. Jenna walked over, putting her wallet back in her purse. I was planning on paying, but she insisted.

"Jenna, guess what." I whispered to her as we walked out.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"Sam's prom date just ditched him." I admitted. She frowned. "You should go with him." She said.

I shrug. "He wants to hang out tonight at five. Maybe I'll ask him." I thought about the idea. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? Besides him saying no, of course. We got in the car and drove off. It's two pm right now, so I have three hours.

I have this giddy feeling about tonight. Like something good is going to happen. It's probably going to go terrible though, an ruin what I hoped would happen. Typical.

(A/n: sorry for the short chapter! I had to give you guys something and I want to save the thing at 5 for the next chapter.

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Love you guys! - mar

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