18- moving truck

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June 3


"Wait so she seriously straight up said it?" Jack asked shocked.

"Yes! I wasn't even upset! I was so angry! I just poured my personal life out to her and the bitch had the nerve to say she didn't want to be friends? I get that she's mad, but she could've at least forgiven me." I am driving to my house, where Jack is going to meet me. Then, we are going to his new place.

"You don't need her. I mean, I feel bad for her but you practically saved her life. She called you telling you she loves you before she dies, but when you save her she wants nothing to do with you."

"For real. I just got to my house, no one is home so just come to my room." I told him.

"Okay I'm almost there." He said. I hung up and unlocked the front door. Once I get inside, I stalk off towards my room where I put my makeup bag down. Then, I go to the bathroom to freshen up.

I did my business, washed my hands and brushed my teeth again. I walked out to my room again and played around with my hair.

"Hey." A voice made me jump. I turned around and slapped Jack's chest. "You scared me." I rolled my eyes. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

I breathe in his scent and sigh in content.

"Okay, so before we go, I have a question." He fiddles with his thumbs.

"I invited everyone to come live with me, and I wanted to know if you want to stay there too?" He asked nervously. "Shawn of course too!"

"I would love to! Let me ask Jenna!" I pulled out my phone and checked the time. She should be home soon anyways. "Mind staying for a while until she gets home?" I grabbed his hands in mine.

"As long as I'm with you." He flirted, bringing his lips to mine. "Those heels make your legs look amazing." He smirked at me. I flipped my hair and kicked my leg up behind me. He laughed and threw me over his shoulder.

I squealed and playfully slapped his butt. He jumped. We ran throughout the house, acting like three year olds.

"Well hello there!" Jenna's voice erupted through the room. Jack quickly set me down and I blushed.

"Hi. Jenna can we talk?" I took her purse and put it on the coffee table.

"Of course Hun." We walked towards the kitchen, leaving Jack in the living room.

"So, um Jack moved out of his house and he has his own place now. He invited all the girls and all the guys to stay there. He also asked Shawn and I." I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "Jenna. Shawn, and the Jack's won't let anything happen to me. Also, I'm not sure but Sammy is probably staying there too! I won't be the only girl either. Mackenzie and Emma will stay there as well." I begged. She still didn't say anything.

"Okay." I sighed, beginning to walk away.

"Yes!" She yelled which made me jump. I turned around on my heels.

"We can?" I jumped up and down.

"Sure! Just make sure you come visit. Aaliyah and I will start to miss you." She smiled at me. I yanked her into a hug and she kissed my cheek.

"Your parents would be so happy with the beautiful girl you've become. I am so proud of you." She held me by my shoulders. I have her a weak smile and turned away.

"She said yes!!" I jumped on Jack's back. He spun my around, and I laughed. "Let's go to the hospital and tell everyone." He said. He carried me outside and sat me down in the passenger seat of his car. He climbed into the drivers side and clasped his right hand into my left.


We pulled up at the all to familiar hospital. Jack texted everyone instead of going into her room. They all filed out one by one.

"Okay guys. We need to leave this place because you guys are moving in with me." Jack cheered. Shawn looked at me as if saying 'even us?' I nodded and he smiled.

"I didn't ask yet." Emma spoke. "I'll ask now though. We all need to go home anyways." We all agreed and walked out to the parking lot together.

"We are going to go to the house to check it out. You guys can go pack and stuff." Jack waved to everyone and we climbed back into his car.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed, rubbing my hands together. Jack laughed and pulled out of the parking lot.


He pulled into my driveway. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought we were going to our place?" I question.

"We were. I want you to pack first. I want you to stay with me tonight." He unbuckled my seatbelt, as well as his own. We walked to my room and I took two suitcases and five duffle bags down from my closets shelves.

"Throw all my clothes in these. I'm going to go to the basement to get boxes for everything else."I instructed. "Everything in my closet and all these dressers need to be away." With that, I walked out of the room and towards the basement. I flicked on the light, and grabbed the boxes as quickly as possible.

I hear footsteps behind me, so I snap around. "Hello?" I call out. No response. I continue to grab the boxes. More footsteps from behind me.

"Boo!" Someone shouted. I screamed and hit the person with a box. Shawn laid on the ground laughing.

"Fuck you Shawn." I hit him with the box again. He continued to laugh.

"You love me." He stood up and wiped the dust off his pants.

"Of course I do, you're the boy version of me." I took as many boxes as I could and tried to walk upstairs. After almost falling backwards a few times, I finally made it to the top.

I walked back into my room and began packing all of my items away. I put away all of my photo frames, Chargers, electronics, hair products, etc.

We are finally finished, and Jack is looking at all the luggage in astonishment. "Ill call a moving truck." He laughed and started typing on his phone. I never imagined seeing this many boxes. Ever.


Everything was put into the truck and they are hauling it over to the house now. We forgot about my bathroom, so I grabbed a few Walmart bags and am currently packing all my soaps and feminine products inside.

"I am so happy I am not a girl. I literally had three garbage bags full do stuff. You had over ten boxes and five bags. Not to mention the stuff you still have with you right now." Jack joked.

"Well I am happy I am a girl because I get boobs." I smirked.

"I'm happy you're a girl to." Jack winked. I scoffed. Horny boy.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let me say goodbye to Aaliyah and Jenna." I pushed past him and made my way to the living room.

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