35- broken

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August 11


"Shawn? Shawn!" Jenna's voice yelled through the cellphone. I pull my phone away from my ear by a centimeter and chuckle.

"What's up Aunt Jenna? I miss you." I spoke calmly. She groans. I can hear the panic in her breathing which makes me slightly nervous.

"Spencer got shot. You need to go to the hospital. I will be in LA as soon as I can." She cries. I roll my eyes.

"Stop joking. This is nothing to joke about." Although I scold her for joking about this, I can't help but let out a few chuckles myself.

"I'm not joking. Go to the hospital that's closest to your house. Hurry! I need you to tell me how she is and what happened babe." My heart ached with each word that flowed out of her mouth.

"I love you Shawn. I promised your mother I wouldn't let anything ever happen to you, but here I am. I'm so sorry I failed you." She cries, and I hang up the phone In shock.

I sprint towards the guys and tell them what happened, but I summed it up into a much shorter story.

"Spence got shot! We need to go." I cry. G freezes in place, and his face turns pale. I grab onto his arm, pulling him to the car with me. Johnson follows us. The rest of the guys get in the other car.

The whole ride was filled with muffled sobs and sad music. Music that usually would make me calm. Not now.

My hands shake as I try to steady my breathing. Nothing is working. I can't breathe, and I can't stay still. My whole body feels like it is on fire. My heart is burning.

I push harder on the gas, speeding on the crowded road. I need to get there quick. As quick as possible. I feel like I am going to faint, and I can't focus on anything. All I want is my sister. All I need is my sister.


I finally make it to the hospital and I jump out of the car. I don't even bother taking the keys out of the ignition. I sprint inside, and towards the front desk.

The nurse looks at me and her eyes widen at my panicked state. "Spencer Mendes." I slam my hands on the desk. G and Johnson are at my sides within seconds. The nurse nods, hurriedly typing on her computer. I tap my fingers anxiously. The burning is getting worse.

"Room 113, second floor!" She points towards the elevator. I thank her and we run towards the elevator. Johnson pressed the button and I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for it to open.

"Fuck this." G says and runs towards the stairs. A few seconds after he opened the door to the staircase our door opened. Johnson and I stepped on, our breaths staggering with panic. The doors reopened and we ran out.

108, 109, 110, the hallway seems so very long when the thing you want the most is on the other end. We run down the corridor, and Johnson bumps into a nurse and yells a quick "sorry!" But I can tell bumping into someone was the last thing on his mind. Burning.

"This is the room!" Johnson says, pulling me to the left. I barge in, and see Gilinsky on the floor in a ball. His whole body is shaking in hysterics. I didn't want to look at her. I didn't want to be like Gilinsky.

"Fuck." I heard Johnson yell and I heard a loud crash. I look over at him and he is standing infront of a broken chair. He must've thrown it.

I force my eyes to look up at her, and once I see her, I wish I didn't. She's pale and has white stuff wrapped around her head. Her heart monitor is beeping slowly. Too slowly.

She looks so uncomfortable, and I have to fight the instinct to put her into a more comfortable position. The sobs of the other boys made the pain worse. Knowing that my best friends were hurt, made the pain worse. I hear the Matt's loud voice from the hallway, then I hear another voice that I don't recognize. I hear cries.

Gilinsky turns his head to look at me. His eyes, red, puffy, and watery, held pain. He was burning too.You can see it in his eyes. I take three slow, but big steps, backing out of the room. Once I am outside, I lean against the wall and slide down it.

Broken. Physically and mentally, I am broken down in pieces. My beautiful twin sister is practically dead. I wasn't there to save her, and it is my job as her brother to protect her.

I keep telling myself "it's going to be okay. She's going to be okay." But this is not a movie, or a book. This is real life. Nothing ever ends up the way you want it to. This shitty world constantly throws stuff at you, making each day harder, and harder. In the end, Only few make it out alive.

I try to bite back my tears, but the more I try to stop them, the more they come out.

I slam my hand towards the wall, making a small indent on the hard material. I clutch onto my hand in pain, but it is nothing to what I feel inside.


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