Part Two: Andy

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  I was sitting in the beautiful girl's home, waiting for her to awaken. I had put her down on her couch, and she had been fast asleep for hours. Her dress and her red hair were soaking wet. I felt bad for pulling her off the boat, but I couldn't risk her reeling me in. I also felt bad for breaking the number one rule of the mermaid clan. I had spoken to a human. I was the Prince, and I was supposed to be a role model for the merpeople. I really didn't think it was a fair rule, since I'm half human anyways.

  "I'm done being a role model," I thought to myself.

  Besides, the only reason I was spying on this girl in the first place was because my mother spys on the girl's father all the time. I just needed to know WHY. Why is my mother so obsessed with this paticular human's family? This was what I was hoping to find out from this human girl. All I had to do was wait for her to wake up. While I was waiting, I decided to snoop around her house. I didn't find anything interesting, until I got to the basement. The room mostly consisted of boxes, fishing equipment, and other items. I decided that this must be the human's storage room. There was one box that interested me. It was tucked away on a small shelf, and it had my mom's name on it. I opened it, and it was full of letters addressed to Coral, my mother. There was also a picture of her and a man. She looked a lot like me when she was young. I turned it over, and on the back the words, "Coral and Josh forever," were written. I gasped. She named me after this person? Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was time to explain myself.

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