Part Four: Andy's Betrayal

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  It was midnight, and Sandy was asleep in her room. I was in the living room on the couch. I told her that I would stay, but I knew that was a lie. Her parents weren't going to be home until the morning, so I was planning to leave in a few hours. If I stayed, my parents would have the whole mermaid clan looking for me. One thing you don't want to deal with is an angry mermaid. Especially one that's half-human, like my mom. My presence here was only putting Sandy and her family in danger. My heart told me to stay, but my head screamed no. Sure, it would be fun to be human, free from all my responsibilities as the prince, but I knew that the clan would never let me. If I wasn't the prince, I could just purposely get myself kicked out of the clan. Unfortunately, the royals are bound for life. Suddenly, I heard a car door shut.

  "Oh no," I whispered.

  I grabbed the box, and ran out the back door. Her parents were home early. I was running towards the dock, about to make my escape, when a man tackled me to the ground.

  "THIEF!" He shouted. Suddenly, the man let go of me, and stared at a woman in a yellow dress that was coming towards us. I took a closer look, and realized the woman was my mom.

  "Coral?" The man whispered.

  "Give me my son back!" She screamed. She ran over to me and grabbed my arm.

  "This is why we don't talk to humans," she whispered to me.

  "Coral, it's me, Josh," the man said.

  "Did you really think that kidnapping my son would change anything? I kicked you out of my life a long time ago! Sure, sometimes I check up on you to make sure you're ok, but that doesn't mean anything! Leave us alone!" My mom screamed at him.

  Then, Sandy and Adeline came out.

  "It was me, not him!" Sandy shouted.

  "Coral, I care about you so much. I would never hurt you or your son. If you don't believe me, just look inside the box your son was trying to steal from me," Josh said. I handed my mom the box. She looked inside, and read a few of the letters. She picked up the picture, and started crying. She hugged Josh.

  "I'm so sorry. Not just for this, but for everything." She whispered in between tears. Then, I quickly explained what happened to my mom and Sandy's parents.

  "Hold on a second. You were going to leave me?" Sandy asked in a sad voice.

  "I'm sorry, but I have to. We're royalty, and we're bound to the clan for life. If they knew about you, they would kill you. Even though I just met you, I'll always love you. I just can't be with you."

  "I understand," she managed to choke out, and she ran inside.         Then, a voice from the water said, "Honey, we need to go before the mer-citizens realize we've left." It was my dad, Finn. My mom whispered a tearful goodbye, and then we both jumped in the ocean. We never looked back.

Sandy's Dangerous Discovery (Sequel to Coral's Transformation)Where stories live. Discover now