You've Got Heart Kid (Part. 2)

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The next morning, you do the secret knock on the door and Sam opens it. You give him a hug and basically tackle him, with tears in your eyes.

"Where did you go? We were worried sick!", Sam says. He looks happy so he has no idea what you have done, or that as of seven hours ago ... he was dead.

You walk in and see Dean. A look of disappointment, fear, and sadness in his eyes. He knows, you thought. He gets up and slowly walk over to you. You feel the tears well up in your eyes. He sighs and gives you a hug. That's when the tears start flowing. You stand there for minutes crying and balling and coughing, while Sam stands there unaware of what's going on. When you finally pull away, you see that it is Dean who now has tears streaming down his face.

"How could you do this to me? Don't make me lose you, too." That was the moment you had your first heartbreak. You felt something inside you just drop into your stomach. It was the worst pain you had ever felt.

"As much as I need you two...", you gesture to and look at both of the boys, " ... the world needs BOTH of the Winchesters more than it needs me." You are hardly even talking when the end of that sentence comes out of your mouth. Sam grabs your hand and sits you down on the bed.

"Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?", Sam asks. When you don't answer and just look into his eyes, he looks at Dean, "Dean?"

"Sammy ... you died last night".

We let that sink in for a few seconds.

"Then how am I ...? Oh." , he looks down at his hands and then up at you, "Why Y/N?"

"Because I love you guys."

"You can't just go make a deal with a crossroads demon without telling me!", Dean yells. He is yelling out of fear though. You know he isn't mad at you. Well ... maybe a little mad.

He then softens, "How long do you have?"

The answer catches in your throat before squeaking out, "Three months."

You look at Dean, "She said that, for a Winchester, it would cost me extra."

Sam lets out a groan and puts his head in his hands.

"Well ... lets go track her and kill this bitch!"

"No Dean!", I say a little too quickly.

"Why not?!"

"Because if these really are my last months then I want to spend them like nothing has changed. They aren't going to let another deal with you guys slip through the cracks again. I want them to be with you guys. I want to go home and spend time with you and do things with you guys. I don't want to have any chance of tracking her and then failing killing her. Then the last three months of my life were a waist. Ok?"

They both stand there for a minute, thinking, until Dean says, "You've got heart, kid", and he comes over and holds you in his arms and kisses you on the forehead. He then grabs the keys and his stuff, "Lets get on home, then." As you start to walk out the door, Sam grabs the back of your shirt, motioning for you to stay back to talk. Dean sees this but keeps walking towards the car. You stay right in the door with Sam. He looks at you with that look that you, again, know all too well. The apology is inevitable this time.

"Thank you. I mean why did you do it though?"

"Because I love you guys. You are the only family I have. You would do the same for me, especially if it had been you that killed me."

"That's true. But you're only 15. You have the rest of your life ahead of you ..."

"Sam, I had dreams. I would go to school, become a teacher, find a husband, have kids, but sometimes it doesn't work out. Instead, I just gave my life for the person I love most on this Earth and I couldn't be happier. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. It does. You just ... you deserved so much more." He looks down again and frowns. He is disappointed in himself. He thinks it is his fault.

"Lighten up,Sammy. You are talking like I'm already gone. Sam, thank you. But this is the best thing I could possibly do with my life. My ... me being gone, will save hundreds if not thousands more lives than if you had stayed dead last night. Believe me when I say I'm ok?"

"Ok. Lets go.", he puts his hand on the small of your back and pulls you towards him for another hug and then keeps his hand there and walks out of the room like that. But you have something else to say, "Sam wait." He turns around. "One last reason ... the worst pain I've felt since my family died, was seeing you dead last night. I couldn't have lived with myself if I kept going knowing I could have done something about it. And I wouldn't have been able to help Dean like you will be able to help him when I'm gone." He just nods and keeps going. We get in the car and take the long drive home.
You never appreciated Baby and the music she played as much as you did on that ride home.

You've got Heart, Kid (Dean x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora